Apple Now Requires Game Developers to disclose odds on "Loot Boxes" [MERGED THREADS]

Any comments on this?
Post edited by Kabam Miike on
You know they will. They would never disclose that information!!
3.1.1 In-App Purchase:
Apps offering “loot boxes” or other mechanisms that provide randomized virtual items for purchase must disclose the odds of receiving each type of item to customers prior to purchase.
The last paragraph in the Introduction states “This is a living document;”.
So how long do you think it will take for Kabam to roll out the Percentages for those Featured Champion Crystals?
Yep the whole legal team is finding loop holes as we speak lol
I also don’t care enough to investigate if there are grandfather exceptions, so it could be they will not have to do a single thing.
Not for us if it drastically changes the in game economy in a negative way
Then, Apple store might as well cease to offer their app.
For example:
New account opening a PHC has greater odds to pull a 4 star than an older currently active account.
This will definitely change the game dramatically...
A very welcome change, it was complete robbery before.
I strongly disagree. This definitely does have the potential to have a big impact on this, and every other game with loot crates. Even if it looks like a negative on the surface, I view this as an unquestionable positive
When it says "this featured 5* crystal has 1% chance to pull X", what will that change? Will you no longer open one? Of course you will. Just like you do now knowing the odds are super low.
I'm not trying to be snarky, I just think this will have 0 affect on the game and how we choose to open crystals. We already know the odds are ****.
Kabam makes x amount of their money off of loot crystals. If they now disclose drop rates and it changes people’s purchasing pattern and less revenue comes in they will have two choices.
Strip the game team down to keep their profit target or change the economy of the game to entice people to purchase other in game items directly. If you thought a 5 star crystal was expensive now, wait until they figure out how much to charge to keep their same profit margin.
This is a valid point but the transparency would be appreciated if nothing else. Also, this will require the drop rates between new players and old players to be disclosed and eventually evened. Once there is a light shined on the better rates for new players vs old I think it might make Kabam have to even things out.