i entered AQ today - and got to know KANG was nerfed as I was playing.
Is this a bug?
the Stun duration reduced from 3.5 Seconds to 2.4 seconds.
he was my favorite character- now i dont even want him- he is too weak to play with with such a low duration stun.
wonder if this is a bug or you did it Intentionally?
Is this a bug?
the Stun duration reduced from 3.5 Seconds to 2.4 seconds.
he was my favorite character- now i dont even want him- he is too weak to play with with such a low duration stun.
wonder if this is a bug or you did it Intentionally?
Nerfed. Way to go kabam, it ws because of a synergy you could
Use with him to perma stun, maybe with that synergy he will be back
To good again, look it up. wish I had him to bother doing the research myself
Did you read @GroundedWisdom s reply? He was bugged and wasnt supposed to do that. He wasn't nerfed at all, they fixed a bug
On a separate issue, why do the may many false nerf threads people post always have the title in capitals and too many question marks???
Two can be as bad as one its the loneliest number since the number one. hahaha
Yep! thats what Im saying
he is very weak! he hits like a little girl - but the 2 combo per stun made him usable. now - i wish i could rank him down and get my 98 stones back
He was nerfed after some videos appeared online of stun lock.. which now makes him worse than Iron Patriot : p
Happy Christmas everyone!
As others have said, this is simply not true. His stun duration was explicitly reduced from its original value to a lower one, in order to prevent him from stun locking. Regardless of whether this was necessary or not, it is very much a nerf rather than a bug fix. He was not able to stun lock due to a bug/glitch (he was working as he was originally designed/tuned), Kabam simply failed to consider synergies in relation to his abilities.
Hey Summoners,
We've been getting some reports that there is one specific Synergy team that allows Kang to infinitely stun his opponent with his Special 1. It's probably clear to everybody that this is not an intended mechanic, and is indeed game breaking in this specific capacity.
So a bug, NOT NERFED at all
why they did a 5 star kang? nobody will even rank him up.
hes not useful now and actually - he is nothing good now. i better rank up my hulkbuster instead of him
Which part of that statement are you arguing indicates it was a bug not a nerf? The closest would probably be "not an intended mechanic", which is nowhere near 'bug'. In fact, they actually acknowledge that an interaction between a synergy and Kang's ability is causing the problem, neither of which are 'bugged'.
I would strongly suggest you make a better case before resting it. Quite frankly in its present state it is rather unconvincing, and the hostility in your comments seems completely unnecessary.
Wow, never meant to come across as hostile mate, sorry if I did
Let's meet in the middle, its a glitch! All they have done is reduced his stun by 1 second as far as I can see, surely not a game-changer?
The case is nearly rested though!!
Actually, you just outlined a nerf... just because it wasn't an intended mechanic doesn't mean it was a bug. The champ description said he could stun for 3.5 seconds, which is what he was doing. It wasn't like they wrote 3.5 seconds and he stunned for 5 seconds. They didn't "fix" him... they changed him
They can use the words "game breaking" to justify their change, it doesn't bother me, but we should call it what it is.
Gwenpool - nerf
Loki - nerf
Hela - bug... people were crying about this one, but her spirit counter wasn't resetting properly, clearly a bug.
The nerfs might be necessary to bring balance to the game, but as a community we should be clear about what each term means. There is enough confusion seeing through the double speak we get fed more often than not.
Fair enough (as a side note, I would also point out that I'm not the one flagging your comments- I'm fine with having a debate).
To me, it's a balance adjustment; the interaction was not one they've forseen, and they're changing an ability to deal with that. I'm not saying that's out-of-line, but I would argue that comes under nerf. Evidently you interpret that differently- and whilst I don't agree, I'm not going to argue (what is essentially semantics) too strongly.
However, for a character with such a low damage output, tuning down an utility ability is damaging. For example, Vision AoU has a low damage output, but he is useful because his utility abilities allow him to control his opponents power. Now imagine that his power burn was reduced by a third; in my opinion, that's damaging to the usefulness of the character. In my view, Kang is a similar case; having a long stun was situationally useful, and cutting that makes a significant difference.
Whatsmore, the ability itself was functioning fine in isolation, it was only an interaction with a specific synergy that cased a problem. There were a number of potential fixes, and to me this was the quickest/easiest (rather than the most appropriate/satisfactory, which would have dealt with the synergy interaction, rather than changing Kang's abilities outright).
In any case, Kang is hardly a champ that is widely used; both because of his availability and his ultimate usefulness. It's just a little frustrating that this change was made in the way it was, and at this point when people have invested a lot of units in trying to pull him (although I know that Kabam weren't aware of the issue until after the gifting event lauched, so I'm aware there's not a lot they could have done about it). This is the sort of issue that 12.0 was supposed to fix.
Anyways, I hope somewhere within all that, we're able to find some points of agreement!
You don't seem to understand what the words 'bug' and 'glitch' mean.
At a push it could be described as an exploit (because of the specific synergies needed), hence the nerf.
Was it what the devs intended? No, it was another oversight on their part (like with the old block proficiency teams). But Kang was performing exactly as originally described.
Nerf = Change because its over powered
I can't believe we are arguing with him over slang words.
...Over a champ he will never have.
Kabam so mysterious about “the Synergy”. Kang could stun for 3.5 seconds. With stun mastery 3 it increased 0.5 seconds to 4 seconds. Putting Kang with a 10% power gain team (there are multiple such synergies, such as Daredevil 5% + Elektra 5%) allowed you to L1, stun, 5 hit combo, opponent still stunned while starting another 5 hit combo. When you completed the 2d 5 hit combo, you had built up L1 power again and could fire off another L1 stun before opponent could fight and restart. Reducing the stun to 2.4 seconds (2.9 with mastery) does not allow enough time for a 5 hit combo and to start another 5 hit combo while the opponent is still stunned. Thus no more stun-lock.
This has existed for 1+ year when Kang was first released. In my opinion they only changed this because somebody showed off about it and with a new 5* Kang it would be too easy to beat new content (assuming no limber, evade, power gain reduction, immune to rebuff, or other impediments to this tactic). As weak as Kang hits it would take 300+ hits to beat current new content, and LOL was never susceptible to this. People with ranked Kangs fall into the same boat as 4* scarlet witch getting nerfed (not bug fixed either).
and once again we learn that people need to stop showing off about things that are not a reflection of their own skills. if anyone can do it due to that champ's abilities, then it is not a reflection of you and you are doing nothing except shining a spotlight on something that shouldn't be highlighted.
common sense goes a long way in preventing nerfs like this
If he wasn't supposed to do that... why was he?
They put the synergy in place, that's how it WAS supposed to work.
It's just clear no one tested him with the synergy active at Kabam
If it does, then I agree it may need looking at again
I used a generic awakening gem and took him to rank 5. This just proves Kabam hasn't learned a thing since 12.0. Another screw job by Kabam. They never change! They are completely unscrupulous.
I used to spend a lot more on this game and stopped after 12.0 and even took a break from the game for a bit. I thought they were starting to sing a different tune but no! Now I regret the 99 cents I paid for the special summoner crystal. I'm out.
Yes - it makes a huge difference. You couldn't stun lock totally (I don't even know what this freaking mysterious synergy is) but you could use it to finish the last stretch of a difficult fight if you managed your power bar correctly. Now he just sucks. So disgusted by this.
Yes, it makes a world of difference. Many people, myself included, ranked him up purely for the lengthy stun duration.
It's hysterical how quickly they rush to "fix" something like this with lightening speed (because SO many people have Kang right?) but other bugs go unfixed for months. And how they don't even think about how they're cheating their customers. This is just pathetic.
But they fixed modok right away!!!