

  • SvainSvain Member Posts: 453 ★★
    Call it what you will, it is still an adjustment they made that they should compensate people for, as I'm sure people would have not ranked him with his now reduced stun time.

    And no, I don't have Kang.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,509 ★★★★★
    It a neft How much im hates it then kabam shuld giv RDT for him only. Thah so sad to se Them just say fix somting ther not was intedens
  • A_Noob_Is1A_Noob_Is1 Member Posts: 762 ★★
    It's a nerf
  • T_muscleT_muscle Member Posts: 9
    Wow some people don’t read the thread to understand the synergy issue.

    This had nothing to do with Kang’s personal synergies. You could put him with any characters that give their team power gain - and there are many. Daredevil and elektra and Blackwidow give 15%. Storm and black panther. Phoenix and blue cyclops. Basically any team that lets you gain L1 power with 10 hits, which is 10% gain needed.

    This feature has been present for over a year since Kang went in greater gifting crystals a year ago. They didn’t want to reduce his stun and make Act 1 boss fight easier for so many v. The very few people that had Kang and knew this feature. People with a Kang should get a rank down ticket and replacement 4* awakening gem.

    Again — go make any of the above power gain teams, get the 0.5 second L3 stun extension mastery and use Gambit who also give L1 stuns and you can go far, except for he only has 85% stun chance, and all the evade characters, power gain reduction characters, limber nodes, stun immune nodes, debuff immune nodes, convert buffs to regen nodes,... I could keep going.
  • RedRoosterRedRooster Member Posts: 337 ★★
    T_muscle wrote: »
    Again — go make any of the above power gain teams, get the 0.5 second L3 stun extension mastery and use Gambit who also give L1 stuns and you can go far, except for he only has 85% stun chance, and all the evade characters, power gain reduction characters, limber nodes, stun immune nodes, debuff immune nodes, convert buffs to regen nodes,... I could keep going.

    Slightly off topic

    I had to double check Gambit's 85% stun. As far as I can recall, I've never had his L1 not stun. I only use him in arena, but I grind a lot, so let's assume that's at least a thousand or more L1s. Hulk is also 85% chance to stun but I've had his stun fail noticeably. Guess not all 85% chances are equal?!
  • ZeperxZeperx Member Posts: 8
    Tried to talk to kabam team - but they just keep saying "try to send a massage,maybe in the future they will look into it."
    this really sucks. i just want the catalysts back. i would have never upgrade him. FFS
    98 stones awakening gem and the catalysts - yeah its not much these days but still - i could have use in them on some champ that can make a change and not the now days kang -
    i dont even want to play right now cuz of their automatic robot like responses
  • HmtorchHmtorch Member Posts: 6
    It’s a nerf. A bug adjusts an unintended mechanic. They intended for his stun to be 3.5 sec. You also needed the 3 mastery points to add .5 sec to stun. they didn’t intend for him to permastun. First the only synergy it really worked with was elektra and classic Dd. Phoenix and blue cyc we’re close but not enough in a long fight. Second so few people had him before this gifting event. Third champs like spidey, xbones, bw, and there didn’t work or were inconsistent. And mechanics like limber or stun immune made it useless. I agree lower the % of power gain from the synergy but put the stun back. I’m ranking mine down. Pissed I don’t get gold or iso’s back.
  • HmtorchHmtorch Member Posts: 6
    Forgot to mention on top of all that the fights it worked on were brutal. My thumbs were so sore. It would take like 400 hits on an act 5 node vs 200 with any other champ. It was really only to save units if your thumbs could handle it.
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