Act 5.4 FINAL Ultron Boss Evade Bug ! [Fixed]

This dude just evades and attacks in an instant. Who did the grandmaster use to train this guy? With Goku or something?

Post edited by Kabam Wolf on
Nonetheless, it's terribly unfair and should be looked into asap. But erm, since this is a bug that is not helping us, you best be waiting for quite awhile before it gets sorted out.
And yes it's not just Ultron. It's every auto evader and it will never be fixed #MoneyGrab
No, not really. I fight spideys NCs in AWs etc. No one dodges like that, or at least they shouldn't. It's clearly a bug, and with a boss having that bug, it gets really crazy.
Different enemy. Friendly duel
iOS 11.2.1
Latest Mcoc version
Act 5.4 was fun, but there is one part in the act was broken and brought frustration to me and probably to many other players and it's OG Ultron Evade. In video below you will see that Ultron Evades and Immediately hits even before I managed to finish my hit. There is not way to counter this.
This issue is inconsistent, sometimes he evades and hits after a small timeout allowing me to finish hit or dash back, but in many cases he evades and immediately hits (at same time).
I hope this video will help you to identify the issue.
What? I don’t want to seem like a ****, but I really can’t understand what you type. Is English your second language? If so then fair enough, I can’t speak your language! But if English is your first then please type more coherent sentences.
Someone started a new thread about this and a Kabam mod moved it over to the bug section, but couldn't be bothered to combine the threads or comment???
Good idea.. lol
do you even understand what the bug is or even reached 5.4 content before auto-replying to bump your 1500 post count? Every video and post above yours shows you take instant take damage the second he evades - you cannot time your attack to avoid this. You can have perfect reflexes and stop attacking to block/parry/dash 0.00001 second after his evade and he still hits you.
I won't be surprised if they intentionally added the evade bug once again after seeing people finishing 5.4 quickly.
Evade on the 7 second mark, however it seems classic ultron actually stores his evade every 7 seconds, and uses it on the next attack aimed at him, I might test and see if this bug doesn't happen if you intercept him, but I don't see a work around. One tip I've seen is that nebula reduces Any robots evade chance by 20% for every charge stored, store 5 charges and she ignores, otherwise I guess like modok ability reduction champs
Maybe best, have to see how each one interacts with that tough node of his, my stark spidey was terrible as his taunts trigger the regens, elektra armour break will do the same so that rules her out, no bleed/poison for aa to work, bw triggers armour break?. Hyperion: no l1 or l2, crossbones no l2 sorry just thinking of loud here, would be nice to see kabam step up and fix this please, it's clearly an unfair bug