Lag, parry off Dex bug what is going on??

I'm sure I'm not the only one experiencing these and a lot more things going on? Is there too much going on in the game to where the servers can't handle it or is kabam doing this on purpose ...this is frustrating the ways I'm dying are crazy its already bad enough you can't get hit or you die bacsially but now parry is so off Dex is so off idk what to do anymore can we get any feedback on when we can see fixes on these bugs I've tried to played through them but its getting worse also intercepting is way off to
Double dash bag bug of 13.0 wasn't a bug, they wanted this from the beginning.
Nerfed parry.
Nerfed dexterity. Evades are shallow now. AI follows up with more attacks after we evade. They've lengthened our recovery time so much between dashes, punches/dashes, blocks/dashes, evades/counters and lowered the recovery time for AI heavies and special that we get hit with the dumbest specials and heavy attacks now.
The dexterity nerfed the AI is breathing down our necks and with parry nerfed we can't set them up as much so we take blocks, and with challenger rating/diminishing returns and a giant nerf to block proficiency, we're taking so much damage now.
They've messed with everything now. It's all a cash grab.
They're stonewalling us. There's nothing to investigate, it's all on purpose. There's no bug that messes with every core mechanic of this game and nothing else.
They're increasing our recovery time on all moves while reducing the AI's recovery time and this is causing nothing but KOs and wasted units from the easiest heavy and special attacks. Parry is broken. Block damage is garbage.
I can't believe they're doing this. All games are played under the assumption that it's a fair clean game. What they're doing is sabotage.
Now we have given them all the stuff.
Since then - no updates whatsoever ...