Before everyone starts complaining...

Remember that this is Christmas Eve and tomorrow is Christmas. Some times things go wrong with games, but the developers deserve the right to spend the holidays with their families. They have given us a lot of compensation lately so if only for a day, give them a break. Have some Christmas spirit.
Are you kidding me with this. You realize tomorrow morning they are going to put out offers to make money off us. Come on get out of here with this. It's not like they are going to give you for defending them. They make million maybe billion of us.
I know sarcasm can be hard to interpret online sometimes, but come on man...
Netmarble is a Korean company. Do Buddhist celebrate Christmas?
didn’t netmarble not buy mcoc, they just bought one of their buildings or some ****?
This screw up needs another compensation, if they expect players to invest their time and money as if this is a stable game.
Oh and btw moderators, i do believe you should merge this thread with the "Servers Down?" thread, since it is talking about the same issue. Unless the title of this thread pleases your employer overlords and therefor forum rules can be adjusted to suit.
CloseByTomorrow, I was only joking I know that KABAM is actually run out of Vancouver Canada but yes Netmarble (a South Korean company) bought them earlier this year.
Not looking for free stuff. Just saying we shouldn't be so harsh on then on Christmas. It's actually sad how everyone is reacting to this. I'm not happy about the outage either but we should be respectful of the fact that they are taking time away from their families to fix it.