Gifting event: Individual milestones

Why are the gifting milestones so high for individuals? the alliance Last milestone is 350k, which divided by 30 members is 11,666 points a piece. Yet an indivudual must have 21k points to qualify. that equals about 3 odins or 9,300 units in gifting.
please help me understand the logic in this.
please help me understand the logic in this.
The logic is simple: kabam earns more money
I believe the goal of this design is to get individuals to spend more units/$$$
18k t2a shards. It’s really not a bad deal. If you bought the Christmas deals, u can use some of the units to gift for in game items like revives (act 5, lol) or energy refills to do all the new content. I traded mostly items like this for my 100% LOL push and energy for act 5 and all the event quests going on this month. Granted i did treat myself to some GGC and managed to pull Kang so that was cool. But yeah, for the most part I just traded for items I would have normally had to purchase on my own but since the gifting event was active I got all the milestone rewards on top of it plus most likey top 1-5% rank rewards for gifting. For the most part, I think it was a good deal for my alliance....
its not right not everyone spends that much and if they are making based on milestones should be at least the milestone divided by the number of members none the less