Anybody think instead of 1 hour timers, Should it be….. [Merged Threads]

45min timers? that way 30 is to short but 45 for aq and aw so it can be in the middle, not to short and not to long.
Post edited by Kabam Rose on
you can beat map 6 with 1 hour timers
If they change the maps then they can possibly amend the timers to 30 minutes
It’s counter intuitive for many people but 1 hour timers, with the way AQ is designed, are inclusionary while 30 minute timers are exclusionary.
Asking for the timers to change just because of that reason isn't near enough
Pressure to move more often?
Moving every half hour makes it worse?
Last week must have been such awful punishment for you.
No ones forcing anyone to play AQ.
This game is enjoyed by players around the world. Many alliances, my own included, do not want to turn players away based on their timezone. Currently we have no choice and will only allow a few players from certain areas of the world in our alliance at any given time. I don't like this as it feels almost racist. The reason though, is one hour timers make it impossible for us to coordinate well with one another. This is a limitation that should be addressed as this is a global game and the community gets divided unnecessarily.
30 minute timers are definitely too fast though. Alliances that have members spanning the globe will have some users who appear to be non-contributors because it's over before they get a chance to get in game and help. Then these members would be removed from the alliance for non-participation and the "timezone-ism" perpetuates.
45 minute timers seem like the perfect compromise. If not then consider the extended energy reserve as Jay_Ibero suggested above. People generally sleep 8 hours so 8 hour reserve seems reasonable. As it stands the game makes us recruit members into our alliances from only our area of the world.
Please Kabam, do your part to put an end to timezone prejudice.