A subjective list of MCOC's notable sins and merits

1. The item cap introduction. Previously we could store potions and then unload them on difficult content. They capped it so we will need to pay for pots.
2. The introduction of the willpower mastery. Debuff champs (Black Panther and Iron Fist) were the original OP champs. Willpower became a must have mastery ($$$) that made debuff champs useless.
3. The destruction of the willpower mastery. Previously we could gain lots of health from debuffs. They nerfed it so severely to make content much more difficult and costly.
4. The destruction of block proficiency. Previously skilled players could take zero damage on block and even master ROL with 2* champs. They nerfed it multiple times to make content much more difficult and costly.
5. The destruction of parry. Parry is a must-have mastery. Previously, well-timed blocks would stun opponents. They introduced a "bug" to make parry unreliable and thereby make content much more difficult and costly.
6. The destruction of game recovery. Previously if the game dropped in the middle of a fight, you would restart the fight from the beginning. This was removed to make content much more difficult.
7. The introduction of game recovery part II. After removing game recovery, they introduced a new game recovery system that can occur once every two hours. They introduced a "bug" to make this system unreliable and thereby make content more difficult and costly.
8. The compensation for suicide masteries. After the willpower nerf, suicide masteries became less powerful. They retroactively rewarded people that had suicide masteries unlocked and unfairly refused to give equal compensation to players that later unlocked suicide masteries.
9. The removal of revive pots from ROL. Previously, players could farm through the first fights of ROL to stock up on revives. This was changed to make content more difficult and costly.
10. Creation of prestige as a thing. Arbitrary numbers used to force purchase for progression.
11. Introduction of diminishing returns ("diminishing returns" should be Kabam's company motto). Basically nerfed crit damage, crit rate, armor, resistance, and every other stat to make content more difficult and costly.
12. Arbitrary awakening gem for 200k pi players performed retroactively.
13. Introduction of champion rating. Another way to nerf all stats simultaneously and make content more difficult and costly.
14. Introduction of evade "bug" allowing spiderman to attack immediately after an evade and then putting him on important nodes. Over a year and counting.
15. Introduction of evade "bug" part 2. Making it impossible to use dexterity on double attacks.
16. Nerf of deadpool and DS. Other nerfs were sins too but these were devastatingly drastic.
17. Creation of spidergwen and taunting us by using her as default avatar.
1. Introduction of dupe. Previously, duping characters was pointless. They introduced signature abilities to make this very worthwhile.
2. Introduction of alliances. Most addictive part of the game.
3. Introduction of alliance events.
4. Introduction of solo events.
5. Introduction of AQ.
6. Introduction of AW.
7. Fixing arenas. They made this much better for players.
8. Fixing Juggs. He used to suck but they buffed him twice very nicely.
9. Fixing Magik. She used to suck and now she is great.
10. Introduction of 2 new characters every month. This must be extremely difficult to accomplish.
11. Introduction of masteries.
1. The item cap introduction. Previously we could store potions and then unload them on difficult content. They capped it so we will need to pay for pots.
2. The introduction of the willpower mastery. Debuff champs (Black Panther and Iron Fist) were the original OP champs. Willpower became a must have mastery ($$$) that made debuff champs useless.
3. The destruction of the willpower mastery. Previously we could gain lots of health from debuffs. They nerfed it so severely to make content much more difficult and costly.
4. The destruction of block proficiency. Previously skilled players could take zero damage on block and even master ROL with 2* champs. They nerfed it multiple times to make content much more difficult and costly.
5. The destruction of parry. Parry is a must-have mastery. Previously, well-timed blocks would stun opponents. They introduced a "bug" to make parry unreliable and thereby make content much more difficult and costly.
6. The destruction of game recovery. Previously if the game dropped in the middle of a fight, you would restart the fight from the beginning. This was removed to make content much more difficult.
7. The introduction of game recovery part II. After removing game recovery, they introduced a new game recovery system that can occur once every two hours. They introduced a "bug" to make this system unreliable and thereby make content more difficult and costly.
8. The compensation for suicide masteries. After the willpower nerf, suicide masteries became less powerful. They retroactively rewarded people that had suicide masteries unlocked and unfairly refused to give equal compensation to players that later unlocked suicide masteries.
9. The removal of revive pots from ROL. Previously, players could farm through the first fights of ROL to stock up on revives. This was changed to make content more difficult and costly.
10. Creation of prestige as a thing. Arbitrary numbers used to force purchase for progression.
11. Introduction of diminishing returns ("diminishing returns" should be Kabam's company motto). Basically nerfed crit damage, crit rate, armor, resistance, and every other stat to make content more difficult and costly.
12. Arbitrary awakening gem for 200k pi players performed retroactively.
13. Introduction of champion rating. Another way to nerf all stats simultaneously and make content more difficult and costly.
14. Introduction of evade "bug" allowing spiderman to attack immediately after an evade and then putting him on important nodes. Over a year and counting.
15. Introduction of evade "bug" part 2. Making it impossible to use dexterity on double attacks.
16. Nerf of deadpool and DS. Other nerfs were sins too but these were devastatingly drastic.
17. Creation of spidergwen and taunting us by using her as default avatar.
1. Introduction of dupe. Previously, duping characters was pointless. They introduced signature abilities to make this very worthwhile.
2. Introduction of alliances. Most addictive part of the game.
3. Introduction of alliance events.
4. Introduction of solo events.
5. Introduction of AQ.
6. Introduction of AW.
7. Fixing arenas. They made this much better for players.
8. Fixing Juggs. He used to suck but they buffed him twice very nicely.
9. Fixing Magik. She used to suck and now she is great.
10. Introduction of 2 new characters every month. This must be extremely difficult to accomplish.
11. Introduction of masteries.
Item caps also came just prior to the introduction of timed legend runs. Old players would've had a monopoly on timed runs with near infinite resources.
Block profiency=leadership mastery which meant players could hold block to win. This made specific teams the meta which was bad.
I parry just fine, sometimes enemies juke me, bait me and throw different attacks (M L) that throw my timing off though.
Game recovery was used to exploit more difficult areas of the game.
Bugs are mistakes, I wouldn't call them sins.
As the time was passing by and their players destroying any content they would throw at them (even LOL that had to receive enrage timer and dulled node), they made content harder and harder, which you explained through your points (sins). Whenever players adapted to one change, they made another area of the game harder.
Right now, the newest trend is removal of AQ revives from expert tier. It's like they want to say "if you want to receive T4b each week, better be super skilled or pay for revives".
Enough of their players here are so skilled they even had to introduce challenger rating which nerfed champs across the board and made nearly all areas of the game harder.
I think they are at a point when they can't make things harder any more or they will risk people massively quitting the game. Remember, even free to play people are valuable to them for behavioral analytics that can be sold to advertising companies.
It won't let me edit. If a Kabam Mod wants to close this because of that, please just remove the quotes and don't close. Thank you.
- The introduction of crystal shards and catalyst fragments to the game. I remember the time where 4*s were only really obtainable through arena grinding and PHCs.
Perfect Block Proficiency teams were OP, used to be able to solo AW bosses with 2 linked nodes up.
Old force close was very abusive and I used that ALL the time.
SW, Thor, BW were all very OP pre 12.0.
Honestly fix the dash-back bug, fix the slight lags, fix the champions not working properly and you have a decent and balanced game.
Also under merits you should include fixing whiffing. It used to be a huge problem and something that was eventually fixed (other than dash after heavy bug).
I'm still wiffing, I've seen other say this is still an issue, wouldn't add that quite yet.
2. Now that I think on it, I actually agree with you that BP nerf turned out alright. Select champs can still accomplish it and that seems fine.
3. Old force close should never have been eliminated like this when the game is all buggy. This is a big sin. New game recovery system doesn't work.
4. I didn't include those champ nerfs as sins. They are alright in 13.0
5. Fixing a sin shouldn't be a merit. Although I guess I did include fixing arenas Juggs and magik...
18. Kabam has hidden all data behind indecipherable values making it impossible to know what each stat means and what each synergy or mastery adds.