Rank 5 which 5 star

ZoddymamZoddymam Member, Content Creators Posts: 362 Content Creator
edited December 2017 in General Discussion
So when I complete 5.4 i can take a lot up. Star lord seems obvious but i have iceman hulk and angela she isnt duped. If i dont do starlord i can rank my ultron to five star rank 4 but not enough cats to do both reason for you answer be nice

Rank 5 which 5 star 45 votes

Starlord is obvious rank that psycho
cradlemanErza_ScarletbuffajrqwweFMJorozerosSuperman69Mohit_7RCunhaJaydev217AryanNoob 11 votes
Ice ice baby iceman so useful
danielmathBitterSteelHaji_SaabstakHarcourtmazeHulk_77LoPrestiSpity68Fireballs5TonyStarkadqqedfyvrRotellywhaler213Darkrider05butterszero7YjgovtheGrimmbearvinniegainzSgtAnime1 30 votes
Hulk need smash more rank 5 hulk
atbatmatt10 1 vote
Angela will look sexier as rank 5
BigTrump2017NomarigerolElitehunter 3 votes


  • IronBlaze09IronBlaze09 Member Posts: 114
    Save for other champions. Whilst SL would be good, he would not have the usability after LoL 100%. Plus he’s amazing just at r4. Maybe you’ll get blade or sparky who will be better for that
  • ZoddymamZoddymam Member, Content Creators Posts: 362 Content Creator
    Guess I should have added wait category:)
  • Superman69Superman69 Member Posts: 534 ★★★
    Starlord is obvious rank that psycho
    If you haven't done 100% LoL yet, rank this bad boy.

    If you HAVE or Don't plan on doing it 100% soon, go for Iceboi.
  • LoPrestiLoPresti Member Posts: 1,035 ★★★
    Ice ice baby iceman so useful
    Star-Lord is a wasted r5. His prestige and attack is really low. He shines because of his signature and due to weird scaling a rank 5 Star-Lord isn't gonna save you a lot of revives over a rank 4 one in LOL.

    Hulk also sucks as a 5 star, his damage is just sub-par to a lot of the other 5 stars in the game. Probably with the way his signature scales or something. Not sure, but people used him in LOL and the fights took foreeever.

    Angela is a good choice. Solid champ. But I'm gonna have to give it to Iceman for his utility. There's nothing in the game he can't clear and a rank 5 Iceman probably has a high enough base attack to be able to go into LOL as well.
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  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    Out of those options iceman but I say wait
  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,106 ★★★★★
    Ice ice baby iceman so useful
    SL is probably the single worst champ to rank 5 (probably better then IP or groot i guess), he gains basically nothing. Also horrible prestige
  • ZoddymamZoddymam Member, Content Creators Posts: 362 Content Creator
    Thanks for the thoughts. I got time to think it over. I guess i consider sl the most as his damage is so high in quests thought extra health etc wouldake him better. But i see where your getting at. Angela I gave thoughts to but that mystic dispersion often keeps her out of aw be a shame to bench a ranked out 5. Will see some of the next pulls. Thing is if i get say a blade or sparky I wouldn’t be able to rank 5 them for a while as i have to use alpha 2 to get them to r4. I presently have enough alpha2 to rank up a hero that is already r4. Iceman would be nice.
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