T1 Alpha debacle



  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    ShadowNet wrote: »
    If these "end game" player need alphas more than other rank up materials they're free to run map 3. All the t1a you could ever wish for. It's their own fault.

    First of all, this is not true. The added glory you win from doing map 5 can buy you the same ammount of alpha’s you get from map 3. However, this does solve the inbalance issue because by doing map 3 people win way less glory, less t4cc, less t4b’s and most likely less shards since usually the map 3 alliances are also playing in lower war tiers.

    Secondly, how is any of this our fault? We’re not doing anything wrong. We’re being competative and active and play the game, however the rewards that are needed are not available at the top, so being competetive is no longer usefull. Kabam accidentally changed the game on us, why do you blame us for that? And why can’t we ask for change, just because you don’t have the same issue yet?
  • ShadowNetShadowNet Member Posts: 95
    Gwendoline wrote: »
    ShadowNet wrote: »
    If these "end game" player need alphas more than other rank up materials they're free to run map 3. All the t1a you could ever wish for. It's their own fault.

    First of all, this is not true. The added glory you win from doing map 5 can buy you the same ammount of alpha’s you get from map 3. However, this does solve the inbalance issue because by doing map 3 people win way less glory, less t4cc, less t4b’s and most likely less shards since usually the map 3 alliances are also playing in lower war tiers.

    Secondly, how is any of this our fault? We’re not doing anything wrong. We’re being competative and active and play the game, however the rewards that are needed are not available at the top, so being competetive is no longer usefull. Kabam accidentally changed the game on us, why do you blame us for that? And why can’t we ask for change, just because you don’t have the same issue yet?

    You can get more than 5 a week from running 5x3 just from map crystal alone, and you'd still get some glory which you could use to buy another 2(?) from glory store. So you'd be missing on 3 max from glory store but you'd gain so much more from map 3 crystals. And it's your own fault for not adapting to meta. If you need t4cc's, run map 5-6. If you have t4cc's expring run map 3. Got enough alphas, go back to running map 5-6. It's calling playing smarter instead of playing harder. Brains over brute force. You're so focused on keeping those t4cc's away from lower tier players that you're shooting your own progression in the foot.

    What exacly would you lose by doing map 3 lets say for a month?
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,458 ★★★★★
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    DrZola wrote: »
    Actually, I was under the impression that Kabam’s response to complaints about T1a shortages was to make sure the worst 5* champs dropped most frequently out of the crystal.

    Crummy 5*’s, park at R1, no need for more T1a. Case closed and problem solved.

    Dr. Zola
    I never though I would <3 one of your posts, well played.

    I’d like to see t1a in the war challenger crystals (the ones you get when you lose) so that even when you lose you win.

    You’re getting soft.

    Dr. Zola
  • Nerfed2DefNerfed2Def Member Posts: 292 ★★
    @DrZola thanks for your participation as I am a recent participant in getting Luke Cage...again. Problem solved.
    Those suggesting map 3 runs......do you really read the posts before adding? LOL
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    edited January 2018
    Map3 twist don’t always run it just add it to your rotation so you get that juicy t1a, don’t drop tiers and still get the increased glory for more t1a. YW.
  • MhykkeMhykke Member Posts: 431 ★★★
    edited January 2018
    All of those arguing that map 3 is the solution, can you please cite drop rate numbers?

    I was an advocate, a long time ago, of dropping down to map 3 for t1 alphas, until we actually did it.

    My experience has been that it doesn’t come close to making up for the lost glory and being able to purchase 5 reliably.
  • Nerfed2DefNerfed2Def Member Posts: 292 ★★
    @Mhykke thank you for explaining that. Keep chatter up and maybe, just maybe we’ll get a change.
  • rwhackrwhack Member Posts: 1,076 ★★★
    There are three things that have to happen:
    T1a have to be a lot more available....roughly 3 times the amount from all sources

    T1a need to be more available for purchase

    Storage needs doubled at minimum.

    Alternatively make the requirement about 1/3 of what it is now across the board.

    This whole thing is tone deaf by kabam.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★
    rwhack wrote: »
    There are three things that have to happen:
    T1a have to be a lot more available....roughly 3 times the amount from all sources

    T1a need to be more available for purchase

    Storage needs doubled at minimum.

    Alternatively make the requirement about 1/3 of what it is now across the board.

    This whole thing is tone deaf by kabam.
    That would cause an extreme imbalance overall and cater to about 5% of the Player Base who see it as a shortage and refuse to accept that how they play factors into it.
  • ピンポン王子ピンポン王子 Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2018
  • Nerfed2DefNerfed2Def Member Posts: 292 ★★
    @GroundedWisdom 5%???? Man your just silly with it now. We get your gimmick. See ya on another thread....probably all of them. 5% of player base.....COME ON MAN
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    Again here is the map 3 vs map 5 numbers crunched quite accurately
    I'm my experience doing it most of December my alliance surprisingly pulled as many whole t4bs and t4cs from map 3s as we normally would from map 5s


    Coathanger makes a good point in throw a map 3 into your rotation, possibly the most efficient resource gathering in the game however my 10m alliance was doing this 55553 and in the last week in November this dropped us into advanced tier (around 80m score )
    We are not a big alliance and so higher prestige alliances could do this but I guess many of you are competing to stay in the weekly t4c bracket and get the extra map 6 crystal/s
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★
    Nerfed2Def wrote: »
    @GroundedWisdom 5%???? Man your just silly with it now. We get your gimmick. See ya on another thread....probably all of them. 5% of player base.....COME ON MAN

    Oh, you're of the opinion that all Players don't have enough T1A?
  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    Nerfed2Def wrote: »
    @GroundedWisdom 5%???? Man your just silly with it now. We get your gimmick. See ya on another thread....probably all of them. 5% of player base.....COME ON MAN

    Oh, you're of the opinion that all Players don't have enough T1A?

    No, but it’s more then 5% of the active players.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★
    Gwendoline wrote: »
    Nerfed2Def wrote: »
    @GroundedWisdom 5%???? Man your just silly with it now. We get your gimmick. See ya on another thread....probably all of them. 5% of player base.....COME ON MAN

    Oh, you're of the opinion that all Players don't have enough T1A?

    No, but it’s more then 5% of the active players.

    It was just a rough estimation. I wouldn't agree that it's a large number of Players who are struggling with T1A.
  • Mas_putoMas_puto Member Posts: 32
    There is no shortage of T1A's. As an alliance member we don't just focus on map6 and map 5. Yea sure the crystals can be very generous and all. But if your inventory is getting loaded with T4CC's then why not take it down a notch and do some map3 for crystals. T1A's. Can be found in them plus T1A's shards. Alot of other members have an overstock in them. So in general most just want to complain that T1A's are hard to come by but they don't want to risk the drop in AQ. Who cares if you drop a level. It easy to get back up anyways.
  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    Gwendoline wrote: »
    Nerfed2Def wrote: »
    @GroundedWisdom 5%???? Man your just silly with it now. We get your gimmick. See ya on another thread....probably all of them. 5% of player base.....COME ON MAN

    Oh, you're of the opinion that all Players don't have enough T1A?

    No, but it’s more then 5% of the active players.

    It was just a rough estimation. I wouldn't agree that it's a large number of Players who are struggling with T1A.

    It’s a large enough number that Kabam will regret not making changes when those people get so sick of it they stop playing.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★
    They could also choose where to focus their attention if they're running out of a certain Resource more than others. The fault isn't always the design. It's also spending habits and game focus. This issue only started being brought up when the announcement of 6 *s came and people decided to Rank only 5*s and skip 4 *s.
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    Gw that's somewhat true however since 5*s came to the game 3*s have become irrelevant (i literally have no use for them anymore) so that is a natural conclusion for us to come to
  • PalanthraxPalanthrax Member Posts: 918 ★★★★
    edited January 2018
    The T1A situation was fine when 5*s were as rare as they were, lately they have become more available, this month they’ve been dropping like confetti. With the increased supply of 5*s, and the greater likelihood of getting decent champs, or duping then, people are going to be focusing more on 5*s.

    If the supply of 5*s is increased, the supply of rank up materials needs to match this increase. The T1A shortage deniers can debate this all they want, but the fact is that Kabam have already acknowledged the issue (hence the glory store discount) and will undoubtedly do more in the future.

    Arguing this further with the forum’s official Pointless Debate Club is a waste of time and effort. There’s a reason they have so many posts, this is their sport and they will always have the last word.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★
    4*s are still a part of the game. So are 3 *s and 2*s. Although we don't use them outside of the Arena. Which is another valid point. If and when a 5* Arena is released, we're going to need them. What we have is a situation of Perspective Vs. Reality. The perspective is that 4*s don't matter anymore because 4 is the new 3, and 5 is all that matters. The reality is the actual value within the game itself hasn't changed. They're still as valuable as a 4*.
  • Renegade_DoggyRenegade_Doggy Member Posts: 358 ★★
    Did a tally a couple days ago of my alliance, our sister alliance, and a few alliances we are in touch with.

    Of the 6 alliances we questioned, the average shortage was 18.

    Some players reported they were fine with T1A, since they don't level or rank 5* unless they will be used. However, the vast majority were complaining that they can't even keep up with the 5* pace to bring them to LVL 2, yet alone make them strong enough to actually participate in end game content.

    Many players have already converted from buying just T2A shards, to buying 5x T1A from glory.

    None of these 6 alliances were willing to consider running Map 3.
  • Heynow33Heynow33 Member Posts: 9
    1. This should be day 21 of monthly calander.
    2. This should be in uncollected daily crystals.
    3. Rank 4-5 5* rankups should not require these at all since they already require t2A, makes no sense.

    Come on Kabam, it's really not that hard.

    P.S. The class catalyst arena should be lowered to 1 mil and milestone rewards should be class catalyst fragments. Why this was not done when they introduced fragments is beyond me. We all enjoy new content but you have to update existing content as well.

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