Why does Kabaam hates me?

I know I don't play much but COME ON! Spent a lot of time and energy to save up 5* shards, only to open up a 5* Kamala Kahn. I lost all patience with Kabaam (removed by moderator)
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
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Oh and hey, look at me!
Yeah I got Luke Cage as my first 5* a couple weeks ago...I feel your pain. I got Mordo a week later. You will get a better one... but again I know getting trash on your first pull hurts.
@Dragonfire74 you knew it was a random crystal chance and you opened it. Why are you mad exactly? Did kabam guarantee you a better champ than KK? Its a random crystal no matter how you put it. Get over it.
U could have said that nicely bro
Or ull get in trouble ;-)
But my last 5 are
Civil warrior x23 x23 magneto archangel
i have pulled ironpat 2x, oml, spidergwen, blue and red cyclops, dd netflix, ironman, superior ironman. all my 5* are trash. get over it.
We DeFineTelY UndERstAnd hoW FruStrAtiNG ThAT CAn Be. buT EVeRy ChaMPions HaVE THE sAMe ChANCe to PUll, SO BoTh CoLOSsuS and ArCHanGeL ARe In THe SAMe ChANce To PuLL FoR EveRyOnE. iF You PuLl ColoSSuS InStEaD of ArCHAngEl you aRe SiMpLy BaD LuCKy (ahahaha loser). wE HoPe For The BeST LuCk for yOuR neXt CryStAl, mayBE YoU cOuLD PulL SPidErGWen
Since this thread isn't really constructive, I'm going to close it down. However, if you'd like to get some Tips on how to use your new hero, feel free to ask others in the Strategy section of the forums!