Why does Kabaam hates me?

Dragonfire74Dragonfire74 Member Posts: 2
edited January 2018 in General Discussion
I know I don't play much but COME ON! Spent a lot of time and energy to save up 5* shards, only to open up a 5* Kamala Kahn. I lost all patience with Kabaam (removed by moderator)
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • CorpsmanCorpsman Member Posts: 54
    Haha join the crowd. Took me forever pulling **** champs til I got a decent one.
  • Ryuichi_01Ryuichi_01 Member Posts: 123
    5* are 5*. Well at least you can duped her later (LOL, jk).
    Oh and hey, look at me!
  • ShadowDroid91ShadowDroid91 Member Posts: 18
    Commenting before post gets taken down. Lololol
  • chev327foxchev327fox Member Posts: 826 ★★
    edited January 2018
    I know I don't play much but COME ON! Spent a lot of time and energy to save up 5* shards, only to open up a 5* Kamala Kahn. I lost all patience with Kabaam (removed by moderator)

    Yeah I got Luke Cage as my first 5* a couple weeks ago...I feel your pain. I got Mordo a week later. You will get a better one... but again I know getting trash on your first pull hurts.
    Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,791 ★★★★★
    edited January 2018
    I know I don't play much but COME ON! Spent a lot of time and energy to save up 5* shards, only to open up a 5* Kamala Kahn. I lost all patience with Kabaam (removed by moderator)

    @Dragonfire74 you knew it was a random crystal chance and you opened it. Why are you mad exactly? Did kabam guarantee you a better champ than KK? Its a random crystal no matter how you put it. Get over it.
    Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
  • CaptainmaldivesCaptainmaldives Member Posts: 46
    edited January 2018
    I know I don't play much but COME ON! Spent a lot of time and energy to save up 5* shards, only to open up a 5* Kamala Kahn. I lost all patience with Kabaam (removed by moderator)

    U could have said that nicely bro
    Or ull get in trouble ;-)
    Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
  • Destiny_dragonDestiny_dragon Member Posts: 29
    Me too i got a gulli 5* .I was happy as heck but i got a another 5* crystal.i got a hulkbuster today i was mad as heck.but he still gooog to use tho.just wait till next time u may get a voodoo or ise man.u will get someone good soon.
  • adqqedfyvradqqedfyvr Member Posts: 463
    Still yet to get a good one - Iron fist, Winter soldier, iron fist, DD Netflix, falcon. Guess I'm on track for spidergwen next
  • Maitrayee_494Maitrayee_494 Member Posts: 38
    Pulled a KK today morning...
  • Arus25Arus25 Member Posts: 158
    Iron patriot hulkbuster are my first few 5* i pulled

    But my last 5 are
    Civil warrior x23 x23 magneto archangel
  • gatra_hpgatra_hp Member Posts: 98
    i have pulled ironpat 2x, oml, spidergwen, blue and red cyclops, dd netflix, ironman, superior ironman. all my 5* are trash. get over it.
  • NDK13NDK13 Member Posts: 620 ★★
    27 5 stars only my magik is worth the r4 rest are trash
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  • TeeJayFlashTeeJayFlash Member Posts: 152
    Suck it up...Buttercup
  • BrotherVoBrotherVo Member Posts: 88
    Now they may say:

    We DeFineTelY UndERstAnd hoW FruStrAtiNG ThAT CAn Be. buT EVeRy ChaMPions HaVE THE sAMe ChANCe to PUll, SO BoTh CoLOSsuS and ArCHanGeL ARe In THe SAMe ChANce To PuLL FoR EveRyOnE. iF You PuLl ColoSSuS InStEaD of ArCHAngEl you aRe SiMpLy BaD LuCKy (ahahaha loser). wE HoPe For The BeST LuCk for yOuR neXt CryStAl, mayBE YoU cOuLD PulL SPidErGWen
  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    It’s not personal they hate everyone who gives them money (not sarcasm)
  • Kabam PorthosKabam Porthos Moderator Posts: 4,676
    We're sorry to hear that you're not happy with the specific hero you received from the 5* Crystal. The crystals don't take into account your current roster, and what may seem like a "bad hero" to you, may be a well desired hero to another player.

    Since this thread isn't really constructive, I'm going to close it down. However, if you'd like to get some Tips on how to use your new hero, feel free to ask others in the Strategy section of the forums!
This discussion has been closed.