5-Star Civil Warrior

So I pulled a Civil Warrior from my second 5-Star crystal, is he worth ranking up? My only other 5-Star is a Superior Iron Man who I understand isn't particularly good.
Civil Warrior is a straight boss killer. Forget what these other guys are talking about who don't like him. His special 2 keeps high pi bosses from reaching special 3. I'd trade all 8 of my 5* currently for a 5* Civil Warrior and some of them are decent champions. My 4* Civil Warrior is in my top 5 for fighting in Quest with Iceman, Magik, Medusa and Green Goblin and I use him on offense in War. The more you play with him, the more you'll like him. I'd say rank him as high as you can.
I wouldn't use him anywhere other than the arena.