Tips to beat Void

Instead of posting "unavoidable damage" we should focus on how to avoid that damage:
Debuffs can be "PURIFIED" with a combo of multiples of 10. It works similar to BANE.
So if you know there is a damage incoming, thanks to the timer on Void, avoid hitting 10th, 20th, 30th...etc hits on Void (depending on your combo meter). Hit him once he puts debuff on you. That will purify your champ immediately.
Debuffs can be "PURIFIED" with a combo of multiples of 10. It works similar to BANE.
So if you know there is a damage incoming, thanks to the timer on Void, avoid hitting 10th, 20th, 30th...etc hits on Void (depending on your combo meter). Hit him once he puts debuff on you. That will purify your champ immediately.
Nawp. You need to hit him again until combo meter is 10,20 etc. This is why Kabam said that the combo meter will be beneficial in this quest.
@roberto94 These should clear your doubt. If you lose your combo in the middle of the fight, you have to get to X0 combo when debuff hits you, if you can't, then you will take damage.
I haven't tried it yet with AV, but AV should shrug off the debuff
Additionally, any champ with higher number of hits in specials should help you get to those X0 counter quickly. Just to name a few:
WS, Puniser (both), AV, Howard, Ultron (SP2) etc.
But, there is a 100% power gain on the node, so someone line Magik, Hawkeye, Doc Op can be a really good choice.