5* Awakening Gem: Voodoo or Archangel?

Looking for some feedback from the community on who is a better awakening and 5* r4 champ to have.
5* Awakening Gem: Voodoo or Archangel? 115 votes
50 votes
59 votes
6 votes
It’s a question..thus the poll
(was being sarcasm)
Any reasoning is appreciated y’all!
These are areas where Archangel shines more than DV
Voodoo can't do much damage
But AA.swipes opponents in seconds and with awakening he totally shut up the regen
Between the two, AA needs an awakening gem much more than Voodoo, but AA is limited in his uses. If he can't poison and bleed an immune he's mediocre.
While Voodoo is still good unduped, he benefits from a gem a lot and he'll take you further in the game overall than AA. Voodoo is a swiss army knife. Regen, nullify, poison, power control, reduce ability accuracy. AA is brutally good in what he does, but if he can't do it he sucks.
Go with Voodoo.
However.. I think DV
Basically I have x23, Dr Voodoo, AA, and Angela all unduped. Everything else is trash and I’m 0 for 5 on featured
aa more useful in lol
I say voodoo, archangel can still do insane damage without, but LOL wise, a duped AA would help for LOL spidey, x23, even miles a lot and of course maestro.
So for LOL 100% you want AA, for everything else in game you want DV. They both do good for everything, it's just AA has a bigger weakness than DV. If the enemy is immune to either poison or bleed (or both)...he's almost useless. While dv has power control and a nice amount of damage he can do if they're poison immune. Plus the regen.
It's a preference, AA would definitely help for LOL more on those pesky enemies in there for sure. Just has lower prestige than voodoo.