If you can nerf new champs fast, why can't you buff them just as fast? Sentry



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    There is a huge difference, actually. One was an exploit that could have been used all over the game to fast-track Wins. The other is a Champ that is considered bad. The difference is the effect that is caused from leaving an Exploit.
  • edited January 2018
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  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    People really need to learn what Spam is. That doesn't include opinions you don't like, or comments made by people you don't agree with.

    Really..holy ****. You have 3k in spam. You have the nerve to tell others what to do? I tried to ignore your spamming of this thread but you just keep going. Now play the victim...maybe if you treated people with respect and shut the heck up you would learn something. Your just absolutely miserable.
    You are not a mod. You don't have any right to insist that people refrain from starting topics. You are ruining a new thread yet again. Stop it!.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    I don't think you understand the difference. They are careful with revising new Champs. They can't just adjust every Champ that people don't like. There has to be some type of data to base it on. Meaning, they have to allow them to perform in the game, and in different areas, and analyze how they are functioning. There has to be a need. Otherwise they're just adjusting every Champ that has a negative review, and there are repercussions to that. The game is a balancing act. You can't just buff Champs and not have an effect on the overall system.
    When you have a "sick Champ" that can spread "sickness" by way of an Exploit, that is a large priority. That means you have to come up with a solution fast because the longer they stay in the game in that state, the more problems compound. Which means the usual protocol of waiting to gather data has to take a back seat. They're not the same situations at all. They may involve Champs that need adjustment, but wanting a Champ to be buffed doesn't become a need unless there is a reason. An Exploit would be a ticket to the front of the bus. Really don't know how else I can explain it. They're not going to leave a cheat in the game. That comes first.
  • Achilleous_07Achilleous_07 Member Posts: 22
    It looks like Kabam didn’t even play test him before release.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    I don't think you understand the difference. They are careful with revising new Champs. They can't just adjust every Champ that people don't like. There has to be some type of data to base it on. Meaning, they have to allow them to perform in the game, and in different areas, and analyze how they are functioning. There has to be a need. Otherwise they're just adjusting every Champ that has a negative review, and there are repercussions to that. The game is a balancing act. You can't just buff Champs and not have an effect on the overall system.
    When you have a "sick Champ" that can spread "sickness" by way of an Exploit, that is a large priority. That means you have to come up with a solution fast because the longer they stay in the game in that state, the more problems compound. Which means the usual protocol of waiting to gather data has to take a back seat. They're not the same situations at all. They may involve Champs that need adjustment, but wanting a Champ to be buffed doesn't become a need unless there is a reason. An Exploit would be a ticket to the front of the bus. Really don't know how else I can explain it. They're not going to leave a cheat in the game. That comes first.

    OK, let's grant the point. Let's agree that fixing exploits comes first. That doesn't really deal with the point of the post. They fixed Kang very quickly. They "fixed" Carnage before he was even released. They have admitted that the Carnage fix/nerf went too far, and we are still waiting for them to address this with a buff. It shouldn't require a year of "gathering data" to buff a champ which doesn't perform as expected.
  • EvilEmpireEvilEmpire Member Posts: 639 ★★★
    The issue is bigger than one champ, regular balancing to all champs to keep everyone atleast semi relevant would dramatically improve the quality of the game. I understand that kabam doesn’t make money from old champs but no one is asking for full makeovers just regular updates so all champs can have some value. This is the most ABC fighting game there is, shouldn’t be that hard.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    I don't think you understand the difference. They are careful with revising new Champs. They can't just adjust every Champ that people don't like. There has to be some type of data to base it on. Meaning, they have to allow them to perform in the game, and in different areas, and analyze how they are functioning. There has to be a need. Otherwise they're just adjusting every Champ that has a negative review, and there are repercussions to that. The game is a balancing act. You can't just buff Champs and not have an effect on the overall system.
    When you have a "sick Champ" that can spread "sickness" by way of an Exploit, that is a large priority. That means you have to come up with a solution fast because the longer they stay in the game in that state, the more problems compound. Which means the usual protocol of waiting to gather data has to take a back seat. They're not the same situations at all. They may involve Champs that need adjustment, but wanting a Champ to be buffed doesn't become a need unless there is a reason. An Exploit would be a ticket to the front of the bus. Really don't know how else I can explain it. They're not going to leave a cheat in the game. That comes first.

    OK, let's grant the point. Let's agree that fixing exploits comes first. That doesn't really deal with the point of the post. They fixed Kang very quickly. They "fixed" Carnage before he was even released. They have admitted that the Carnage fix/nerf went too far, and we are still waiting for them to address this with a buff. It shouldn't require a year of "gathering data" to buff a champ which doesn't perform as expected.

    Well, it does because they don't make changes lightly. The comment, although I wasn't at NYCC so I have to say allegedly, was made long after he was released. Which means they were already looking at how he performs. Sentry hasn't even been out a day and people are wondering why they don't jump in and buff him. For the record, Carnage wasn't even released when they made adjustments. They can't revisit him if he's not even in the mix yet. That piece of insider information has been stretched all over.
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    ArmandStar wrote: »
    They have admitted that the Carnage fix/nerf went too far
    oh i didnt know this.
    there should be no need to "keep gathering data" if they already admitted that he needs the update

    on a similar note, what was the nerf? i know he was changed before release, but thats all i know regarding the nerf

    The gist of it, according to the grapevine, was that they created him too OP and made adjustments before his release. Apparently they felt they adjusted him too far, and were looking towards this year to buff him. I say grapevine because that was supposedly commented by a Dev at NYCC. Not that I'm disputing it. Just that I wasn't there. However, adjusting Champs before their release happens all the time. Somehow people started calling it a nerf.
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    Well, to be clear, I don't consider changes made to Champs before their release nerfs. I know some people use the term colloquially, so in that sense, I suppose. As far as my view goes, adjustments made before the release are part of the process.
  • New_Noob168New_Noob168 Member Posts: 1,600 ★★★★
    Let's get to the point, Sentry needs some buffs. Some paid a lot of money for him expecting him to be fairly good, but he's down right poo poo ok.

    And yes, Kabam prioritizes exploits way ahead...It makes sense, but we all know how terrible they are at addressing issues that affect user game play that affects our bottom line $$$ vs. theirs. It's just down right immoral of them that some bugs sit for months and months and months.
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    I'm not sure what a reasonable amount of time is? There's been quite a few things they said they were going to revisit. Pure skill, Dr. Strange, Carnage. Chances are they aren't planning anything.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    Well, he may. I haven't used him yet, so I won't form an opinion until I do. However, they don't buff new Champs right away. It's always been like that. As much as I feel for people, if they're pouring all their Resources into a Champ they know nothing about, then it's pretty much their choice.
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  • New_Noob168New_Noob168 Member Posts: 1,600 ★★★★
    Lol I still have a ticket I opened right before gifting because I opened within 10 minutes and got a kid rewards. Their customer service said they would get back to me. Nothing yet. Now you know why people get mad. Paid for something and got duped
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    Got a kid Rewards?
  • adamjakubiadamjakubi Member Posts: 42
    Lol @ sentry being strongest in marvel universe...
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    I asked because I wasn't sure what it meant.
  • Titan_A97Titan_A97 Member Posts: 179
    It has nothing to do with benefitting anyone. I'm not sure how familiar with Development you are, but Exploits are a high priority. When you have something that can be used to gain unfair advantages and allow people access to thousands of dollars worth of Resources without intended effort, that's a problem. Besides the imbalances it causes the entire Resource economy, it also means that the work to repair it compounds. You can't leave things like that. It's not about being mean to the Players or keeping them from getting anything. It's about priorities.

    Correct! Exploits are indeed detrimental to the game and give unfair/unintended advantages to certain groups of players if not all and thus they are given the high priority by the game team as you stated. A prime example of a game breaking exploit was the infamous infinite Venom event quest rewards glitch which was swiftly handled and dealt with.

    However, in the exact same way, exploits that effect the player face like the Evade bug (yes it's still there, I just experienced this today with Thor Ragnarok and supposedly in 5.4.6 Ultron) and combo 'whiffing' among countless others I've failed to mention are still present in the game. These are exploits albeit that give an unfair advantage to a certain side; bias you could even call it. The only difference with these exploits is that the A.I can use this advantage on YOU and not the other way around like the Kang situation.

    You might have noticed that I used the words 'exploit' and 'bug/glitch' interchangeably and in this case, they are since the result is the same: one side gains an unfair advantage over the other and is most certainly unintentional. But it just so happens that certain exploits are 'prioritised(?)' over others. If all exploits are treated equally, why some exploits more 'equal' than others. Doesn't make much sense does it?
  • YellsomeYellsome Member Posts: 485
    If u want to buff all the weak champs then where is the competition?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    edited January 2018
    Well, they're not the same as far as dealing with. In the case of the exploitable issues, they had to come up with a solution quickly. Which is why they opted to alter the Champs (GP, Kang). Which is a matter of altering the programming, server side I presume. When you have other complex issues that aren't easily pinned down and can vary from device to build, it's not that simple. If there was an easy solution, they would have pushed it by now. There are other factors that go into those mechanical bugs. I'm sure the perception is that they only act quickly on bugs that affect them. The reality is that an Exploit affects all of us as well. They had to "stop the leak". Other issues are much more complex, and aren't always as easily fixed. It's not as if they're sitting on a solution, or putting it aside. One situation means they have to come up with something as fast as possible, which is usually pretty hasty with as little aftereffects as possible. The other is a situation where they continue to work on it and try to pinpoint the cause with many more moving variables than a Champ that can trap the opponent, or one doing more Damage than intended. Some things they have control over immediately. Others take time.
  • RedRoosterRedRooster Member Posts: 337 ★★
    @ArmandStar I applaud your attempt at getting the thread back on track.

    @GroundedWisdom I'm in agreement that changes before release shouldn't be considered a nerf, but I'm calling it a pre-release "nerf" (PRN) for brevity.

    My understanding of the Carnage PRN was to avoid an actual nerf post release. The Kabam development team don't actually like nerfs. They use them to solve problems, but they don't like them, kind of like a suppository. They copped a lot of flak from the SW, DS and Thor nerfs. They get a lot less heat by giving us something underwhelming and then buffing the champ later than giving us something godly and then taking it away.

    In fact, they get some applause from buffing a champ somewhere down the line because everyone who has that champ gets that warm fuzzy feeling. I'm not sure if Sentry was the same deal as Carnage, maybe he was OP and they tweaked him down. It's unfortunate because there is a dearth of decent Science champs.

    Maybe Kabam feels that he's the hero MCOC deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So they nerfed him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian. A watchful protector. A Sentry.
  • SniperkySniperky Member Posts: 5

  • SniperkySniperky Member Posts: 5
    Well, he may. I haven't used him yet, so I won't form an opinion until I do. However, they don't buff new Champs right away. It's always been like that. As much as I feel for people, if they're pouring all their Resources into a Champ they know nothing about, then it's pretty much their choice.

    Forming your own opinion is what got you into this dicussion in the 1st place, get yo ass back the first grade son
  • edited January 2018
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  • edited January 2018
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