If you can nerf new champs fast, why can't you buff them just as fast? Sentry

Sentry is suppose to be the strongest champ in the Marvel Universe? What happened.
Please buff him. You seem to nerf champs real fast when there is a clear advantage to them, how come you can't buff them just as fast?
Also, why isn't he poison free or have any other immunity since he is basically a god in Marvel?
Please buff him. You seem to nerf champs real fast when there is a clear advantage to them, how come you can't buff them just as fast?
Also, why isn't he poison free or have any other immunity since he is basically a god in Marvel?
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Fur real
Not so much. We have several floating around, plus the actual Thread on him.
Absolutely we do. He's freaking horrible. Not to mention you are the first person to say you're entitled to your opinion whenever people disagree with you. So suck it up buttercup.
People are entitled to their opinion. No arguments there. What we don't need to do is spam the Forum on the same subject when there are already Threads to express those opinions in.
Does everyone always have to remind you, "don't need you on every thread?"
Pot, meet kettle
this same **** has been posted on a bunch of threads, it should have been deleted within a minute of it being posted
I don't know.. but..
Might be time for another ‘Buff Carnage’ post...
Pretty much what people ask you not to do in the comments of every single thread
Flagging a comment as Spam does not make it spam. You're not new here. You are aware that people abuse the Flags when they don't agree with opinions. I'm not doing this little dance with you. You're trying to start a personal argument, so this is where I ignore you.
Always personal attacks when you get a rebuttal. You regurgitate the same nonsense over and over (spam). Also, you don't need to run around playing the role of a moderator. This thread, and any other like it can be handled by them. To often you try to play the role and when not doing that, spamming the hell out of other threads.
Buffing sentry is more of a concern that the semantics of spam.
I think they moved too quick to fix carbage.
I totally agree with the bolded. No need to spam the forum in every thread spewing nonsense.