Requesting for help in Arena

Why is it we must sit here and request for help in the arena one by one, champion by champion? If you have a pretty sizeable roster, compete in multiple arenas, this can become very tedious. I really don't understand why you simply can't add a "request help for all" button. The amount of time players need put into the arena is crazy (I don't mind, I enjoy playing the game) but do we really need to sit there and tap 100+ LAGGY help buttons?? I say laggy because there's some kind of delay on the buttons, it isn't smooth, I need to tap... wait... tap.... wait. Pretty frustrating.
I see where you're coming from, but realistically, what are the odds that EVERYONE requests for help all at the same exact time?
Also, I really don't understand how requesting for help is any different then, let's say, starting up an arena match. What if every player tried to start a match at the exact same time, by your logic the servers will crash. Which is highly unlikely it'll happen anyway. So I really don't see an issue here.
I see. Thank you for taking the time to explain it to me.
Can anyone else confirm this is the reasoning?
Instead of sending a request for every champ, they should make the button send a request for all the champs that are awaiting help, that should happen on the server and they would get only one request from the client apps. It's just reimagining the feature.
I also think this feature is not useful. Energy requests seem to work, but I never benefited by asking help for my champs. How much does it help realistically? It seems to me like this part of the game is not very transparent and not very useful. Being in an alliance takes most of you loyalty anyway and the amount you can get hasn't changed since alliances were introduced (and loyalty was only used for crystals).
Long story short, I think they have the wrong approach to this, we shouldn't be helping individual champions, we should be helping other members and they can figure out how to distribute that help server-side minimizing the whole thing to just one request-response to/from the server.
They just don't care to spend time on it because it gains no revenue. That's the real reason and nothing else. It costs time and money to make changes and without any return, why?
I'd honestly just prefer all the champs that I've used go to the bottom of the list. The only reason I request is so I don't have to keep scrolling down to make a team.
Or persist our filters between matches. Something, anything.
This isn't the point though. Some people prefer to just scroll down cause requesting for help is so tedious. It baffles me how they won't rework the Help system. It was understandable when the game was first made. People have so many champions now days compared to back in the day.
An ever growing game of content needs to update their game mechanics as well. This help system is obsolete and very time consuming.
How about a "Ask for 3" like the "Help" button in the alliance help screen? Just that alone would help. Or just have them auto ask once the fights is over.
It would certainly reduce the load on the servers.
That is definitly sounds your phones issue buddy.
Not sure, it happened to me in many devices, sometimes it does nothing (it seems to refresh but you always see the same 4 requests), other times it takes a long time to do the transaction. Other times it works fast.
But i wouldn't be surprised if it is an overall issue with the app, as the lagging is becoming more evident in high end devices.
I have severely reduced the amount of arena grinding I do and rarely have more than 30 champs requesting helps. Once I get to that threshold, the lag from receiving helps will blowup the framerate of a fight to impossible levels. In the 4* basic arena I'll only go through my R4+ champs then come back later. Even then, I won't grind any arena if I have a big fight coming up (like a mini-boss or exploring Act 5).
and the fool that thinks 50 million players play the arena, how come top 10% is only about 13 to 14k max...
The problem is that a queuing system itself adds load. Its only worth doing if the load you add for handling the queue offsets the load from a bulk help request. You can think of it this way, the overhead of having someone manage a queue of 3 people adds more effort per person than a queue for managing a 100 people.
The benefit that Kabam has is that they have the choice of implementing either a client side (your device) or server side queue. Both have upsides and downsides.
I would honestly prefer they worked on why the "Help 4" button causes lag on your account when you play. It's a head scratcher. Obviously, it relates to data relevant to my account, but data and load are generally anonymous. Something happening to data that affects me for the most part is not different to something happening to someone else's data. It's all server load. Unless it's doing a massive push notification to your phone, but why would it be any more significant than normal traffic.
The lag while receiving helps happens regardless of the player being in a fight, but that's the only time the player notices it. A simple solution would be to defer the helps received until after the fight is complete and that packet of data is sent/received. I'd rather have the loading screen for an extra 0.2 seconds in between fights than the current lag during the fight.
The only issue I would see with that would be the back-log of queued data to be sent could get stacked up if a player were to pause in the middle of a fight and let it sit.
Because they are so knowledgeable and honest. Riiiiight.....