AW needs an upgrade STAT

jeyrey2000jeyrey2000 Member Posts: 91
AW has become incredibly boring of late. Battle of mystics with a little Nightcrawler thrown in for good measure. Whos on the center miniboss node - oh wait its mordo again!!!!! Wait till all those 5 star mordos start showing up at rank 3 and 4. Lights out folks.

Some will say learn to play against certain champs and i dont have skills but i do and it has nothing to do with it. Its just sooooo boring facing the same champs over and over and over and over.

I think the nodes need a serious revamp and i made suggestion in old forum but i will again to see if anyone is listening.

1. Make some nodes class specific. The class can change from war to war but both teams have the same classes on those nodes.
2. Make some paths require a certain class to get passed like in the quests. This might force players to bring in different champs instead of the same ones all the time.
3. INstead of class specific have some nodes which wont all you to place a certain class for example - node 34 no science but everything else is ok.

Just suggestions so dont get on the offensive and say i need to improve my skills.


  • jeyrey2000jeyrey2000 Member Posts: 91
    so everyone is happy with the status of AW/mystic wars
  • SpeedbumpSpeedbump Member Posts: 1,520 ★★★
    Sounds to me that you don't have a Mordo. LOL. Just saying, Learn to fight him, that's the only way that your going to beat him over and over again.
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    Mordo isn't bad. Just bring power lock and power drain. I'm happy with the state of aw. Just wish more shards were available in tier 1
  • No_More_HeroesNo_More_Heroes Member Posts: 471 ★★
    Add different point multipliers...for example you get more points for defeating defense nodes with lower tier champs, or get more points for how efficiently you defeat a champ etc. there are many different ways to skin the cat.
  • Yelin547Yelin547 Member Posts: 238
    You will always fight the champs that are hardest to fight. Mordo magik dorm nc spidey, the random abom just because and cwbp. The champs that are hard to fight will always be the premier champs in AW. No way to avoid that.
  • SpeedbumpSpeedbump Member Posts: 1,520 ★★★
    Its starting to sound like you don't win wars very much. just sayin.....
  • Yelin547Yelin547 Member Posts: 238
    You may think so, however no matter how much attack or health you give certain champs they are just easy. Buff the classes and metal etc I still won't place them because they are too easy to fight.
  • jeyrey2000jeyrey2000 Member Posts: 91
    Speedbump wrote: »
    Sounds to me that you don't have a Mordo. LOL. Just saying, Learn to fight him, that's the only way that your going to beat him over and over again.

    I do have mordo at 5/50 so its not that at all. I just wish we could have more diversity in the AW. Right now its high percentage of mystic also due to the cheap MD/dexterity issue. Would it not be cool to have nodes which benefit other heroes classes or types as above poster mentioned.

    Some examples
    Regeneration effects are 100% more effective
    Champs on this node do not gain power but instead gain fury for every 3 hits received
    Science champs gain 200% attack and health, when fighting skill champs they gain 300% attack and health
    Cosmic champs gain 100% power over 60 second + all or nothing
    Tech champs placed on this node ignore debuffs and for every debuff ignored champs gain +10% attack

    Just some examples to spice it up a little.
  • VoluntarisVoluntaris Member Posts: 1,198 ★★★
    jeyrey2000 wrote: »
    so everyone is happy with the status of AW/mystic wars

    Mordo is easy
  • ShrimkinsShrimkins Member Posts: 1,479 ★★★★
    I would like to see a new map... This one is getting old and boring. A 3 map rotation would be sweet.
  • Doc_HollamonDoc_Hollamon Member Posts: 173
    I was just fighting in AW my champs were dashing without me swiping, doing random heavys, and lag during a small portion of the fights was freezing the screen for a sec. Not only do I have to fight the champs I have to fight **** gameplay.
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