5* Hulk

I'm looking to finalise my roster before taking on the Collector. I've read that a duped Hulk is good against him but is an unduped version of any good?
Others I'm thinking to bring are Magik, Starlord, Dormammu and Drax/Hyperion.
Others I'm thinking to bring are Magik, Starlord, Dormammu and Drax/Hyperion.
Also, DO NOT bring dorm, his power control sounds good on paper but he hits like a wet noodle. Definitely bring your heaviest of heavy hitters to that fight.
There is a video on YouTube where this guy almost soloed Collector with his 5* Dormammu. @Feeney234
Yes, it always proced for me when he hit that certain point in health. Use 40% revives.
And trust me, I know how good Dorm can be but I just can't stand looking at the damage he does. Fights are SO MUCH longer. I'm not a YouTube ninja god so I prefer to hit hard and end the fight quicker rather than drag it out and create more room for error.
Thanks for the info! Won't get that Hulk Smash with 20% revives. Will be there soon. Stashing up to be ready for it. @Feeney234
Need to Buff Dormammu