Kabam: Sell a 5* awakening gem of a specific class

PlayerPlayer Member Posts: 169
Hi Kabam,

Can you please sell a 5* awakening Gem of a specific class similar to the 3 T4 class catalyst sales that recently happened, where you get to choose a specific class.

I happily purchased the $99.99 one since I needed tech catalysts.

However, I really want to awaken my 5* Starlord and I only seem to be pulling lame characters from 5* crystals lately, such as Luke Cage, She-Hulk etc.

Please periodically make this option available to us. I don't mean a class catalyst gem, I'm not willing to purchase a chance of a Tech awakening Gem, only the Gem itself. It doesn't have to be a generic awakening gem, the option of choosing a specific class is fine :)



  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    Player wrote: »
    Hi Kabam,

    Can you please sell a 5* awakening Gem of a specific class similar to the 3 T4 class catalyst sales that recently happened, where you get to choose a specific class.

    I happily purchased the $99.99 one since I needed tech catalysts.

    However, I really want to awaken my 5* Starlord and I only seem to be pulling lame characters from 5* crystals lately, such as Luke Cage, She-Hulk etc.

    Please periodically make this option available to us. I don't mean a class catalyst gem, I'm not willing to purchase a chance of a Tech awakening Gem, only the Gem itself. It doesn't have to be a generic awakening gem, the option of choosing a specific class is fine :)


    Or just do Act 5 and then get a class one along with a generic one.

    Then they don't need to sell one
  • Deadpool_42422112Deadpool_42422112 Member Posts: 38
    From the looks of the beta abilities like cage looks pretty good now
  • PlayerPlayer Member Posts: 169
    I know I'm probably Kabam'd, but I thought I'd ask :)

    Awakening my 5* SL would make Act 5 easier and I could use the awakening gem on someone else.

    It's like opening the crate with the crowbar that's shipped inside, which you need to open said crate...
  • SteelCurtainMUTSteelCurtainMUT Member Posts: 432 ★★
    Yeah I could definitely use a pick your own class deal. I have a few champs I wanna awaken but aren’t good enough to waste my 2 generics on
  • cytwbccytwbc Member Posts: 93
    Yeah I could definitely use a pick your own class deal. I have a few champs I wanna awaken but aren’t good enough to waste my 2 generics on

    na we need to find a way for you to be able to slide me 1 of those generics
  • Mmx1991Mmx1991 Member Posts: 674 ★★★★
    I have a theory that the more awakening gems they sell, the faster Kabam will devalue that class of champions with another.

    You won't "win" any faster with another awakening gem deal, you'll just come to expiry date much quicker.
  • YankeespankYankeespank Member Posts: 71
    They will never do this deal it seems. Maybe when 6* released. But it is a holiday weekend this weekend.
  • KennadoKennado Member Posts: 1,014 ★★★
    I for one love the shipping crate/crowbar analogy. One champ wont break the game if they offered this deal. Outside of the 1% that get good RNG and are in those upper echelon alliances, 5 stars are relatively hard to come by. Offering this deal would help those that really need it.
  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    Certain 5* champions make a significant difference with clearing end-game content. Having Dr. Voodoo duped at 4/55 for Act 5.4 made it clear why Kabam made Act 5 as difficult as they did. I can only imagine how easy Act 5 was for top tier players who started Act 5 with multiple duped 4/55 champs. Hopefully Act 6.1 exploration rewards follow the previous trend of Act 5.1 exploration rewards sharing similarities with the previous Act's exploration rewards:

    - Act 4 and Act 5.1 Exploration Rewards = 4* Generic Awakening Gem
    - Act 5 and Act 6.1 Exploration Rewards = 5* Generic Awakening Gem
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