By now you should know Sp2 deals more damage and is more effective than Sp2. Unless it's a character like GR. GR Sp3 only resets his abilities so he can use them again though.
Venom I mean it is one of the most brutal ones and it just copies buffs like his other specials I mean sure he can copy regen but so what? The enemy still has their regen and other buffs it doesn't affect them.
This is why he is one of the champs that needs a rework.
Most champ's sp3 is weak in terms of damage. However one of the only champs with a good sp3 is Crossbones, his sp3 is actually the best because he doesn't crit, just fury
Both visions sp3 is pretty bad. Especially OG visions, very weak damage and worst power burn of the three. Most people hate mistiming the power gain and being stuck on the “red”.
I've seen alot of people say alot of champs but most if not all of those champs named have an effect from there SP3. I saw someone said AA, you at least get a Neuro, Civil Warrior has some drain. Wolvie or Elektra gets a bleed, Deadpool and Fix It get a huge bleed, Visions have power drain (trust me, on a power gain node you'd be happy to have it if you save for it). Then I saw some champs with no effects from there SP3 like Antman or Hawkeye (without Taskmaster), it at least does some decent damage as far as SP3 goes but there to me is a champ who not only have no effects from there SP3 but the damage is laughable.
Moonknight: It only looks cool, that's it. No damage and no after effects
If you mean in damage, AA sp3 is completely useless, but you get a pretty long stun
Stuns and other great benefits from S3s make them a great s3. Its not just damage output. Thors is by far the best, massive damage and a stun! BW stuns for ages as well, BB the same etc
Worst is Wolverine by a mile
I all know that, but the damage AA delivers with his sp3 is soooo bad, same like agent venom
This is why he is one of the champs that needs a rework.
I know but generally. Like Groot his Sp2 is just regen and his Sp3 is actually somewhat effective.
Moonknight: It only looks cool, that's it. No damage and no after effects
I all know that, but the damage AA delivers with his sp3 is soooo bad, same like agent venom
His damage is pretty bad, but he get's three insane fury's that double his attack
Plus he gets Regen sometimes
Woah there that's debatable, I've seen some insane damage with her souls