Miles Morales Venom Blast

I have five star Miles Morales, unlocked, signature 103. I have not had venom blast go off in maybe two months. If it has its been so insanely rare i just dont recall. I use him mostly in arenas but ive started watching closely the last three weeks of arenas using him. His Venom Blast hasnt gone off, even if i fight against him with computer control his venom blast isnt triggering. Anyone else seem to notice this steep STEEP decline, or even not working at all?


  • Dr_BrownDr_Brown Member Posts: 225
    my 5* miles isnt awakened maybe ask Kabam support
  • CobraCobra Member Posts: 126
    Fight with my 3* duped, venom blast triggered in 1 of two matches
  • Feeney234Feeney234 Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★
    My sig 80 Miles 4 star his venom blast goes off like every other combo sometimes
  • CloserByTomorrowCloserByTomorrow Member Posts: 145
    Why are you putting 5* sig stones into a miles?
  • AsmodeyusAsmodeyus Member Posts: 217
    Weird then Ill open a support ticket cause Venom Blast is not activating for me
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