Winter soldier

TimrosTimros Member Posts: 267
Does anyone have a unduped 5* winter soldier at level 3 that can tell me his stats?
I'm trying to do a comparison to a couple other champs. I'm trying to calculate who best to level up. Thank you.


  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Mine is level 3 but duped. He really needs to be duped to be good
  • TimrosTimros Member Posts: 267
    Yea, I figured that, I'm contemplating on upgrading my 4* moonknight duped to lvl5. Yea yea, I know 5*s are the future, but I'll also get more t4 cats in the future too lol.
  • taojay1taojay1 Member Posts: 1,062 ★★★
    Who are you comparing ws to
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    I'm reluctant to rank any 4* at this point. Ranked 4* Stark for synergy in quests with Blade but I have to have a very good reason. Depending on where you are in the game that may not be the best strategy for you.
  • TimrosTimros Member Posts: 267
    Im just comparing basic attack and hp not any specials. I'm still wading through act 4. Midway through.
  • TimrosTimros Member Posts: 267
    To clarify, comparing hp and attack for him at level 3 to that of a level 5 4* moonknight knight.
  • MenkentMenkent Member Posts: 889 ★★★★
    Do you really need to rank one of them? Neither will have much use, so why not wait for a better option?
  • MegaSkater67MegaSkater67 Member Posts: 1,380 ★★★★
    I disagree that he ‘needs to be duped to be good’. He’s just fine without his sig, can ignore armour, hits hard, strong damage over time, reduces block prof with incinerate and relatively easy to use. I really like my 3/45 and he has a great damage output. The sig is nice to have but not essential by any means. @Timros here are his stats:

  • TimrosTimros Member Posts: 267
    Thanks guys. I appreciate the feedback.
    the leader of my alliance upgrade his 5* soldier UNDUPED to rank 4, is he a total noob or it's worth it?
  • taojay1taojay1 Member Posts: 1,062 ★★★
    I r4d my duped 5 star ws, only because I had expiring t2a and no other options. He's currently my only r4 5 star, and while his damage is nice, he is definitely not comparable to certain other skill champs. I would not upgrade him without the dupe either: without it he is just a super weak version of gwenpool. His power control is unreliable but quite strong. In my opinion, don't upgrade him until you dupe him, and even then don't rank him past r3.
  • ZoddymamZoddymam Member, Content Creators Posts: 362 Content Creator
    I disagree that he ‘needs to be duped to be good’. He’s just fine without his sig, can ignore armour, hits hard, strong damage over time, reduces block prof with incinerate and relatively easy to use. I really like my 3/45 and he has a great damage output. The sig is nice to have but not essential by any means. @Timros here are his stats:

    I agree I recently brought him to r3 after dupe. Love that power drain a lot. Not reliable but a bonus. If you must power drain an opponent quickly he not best choice but just regular fighting seeing that drain is nice
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