Where are marvel insider rewards?!?!

I completed every single rocket quest to get scrap and then did a couple other things, registered everything on marvel.com's insider per the note from you guys, and my points on marvel.com show 5,250. I should have something like 140k points at this point, which I would readily use to redeem the 125k game package.
Where are my points?!?!?!?!
The rewards are modest, but the principle of this really pisses me off. I followed al the steps and you guys are, effectively, just taking my effort and walking.
Fix the program, now.
Where are my points?!?!?!?!
The rewards are modest, but the principle of this really pisses me off. I followed al the steps and you guys are, effectively, just taking my effort and walking.
Fix the program, now.
kabam has mentioned multiple times that they have no control over Marvel Insider, you need to contact Marvel Insider.
And you also need to read things you supposedly sign up for because Marvel Insider clearly tells you when the points and prizes would be awarded.
You jumped the gun an overreacted instead of reading or asking people, insider has little to do with kabam and you still should be able to get the 125k package , you they used to not give out points until after the rewards were gone which is what happened with iceman and the ones before him
As for contacting Insider I did that, but seeing how MCOC promoted this and it has a direct impact on the experience and satisfaction of their customers I would expect that they would care if Marvel Insider basically just hosed all the traffic they drove to the program. Maybe I'm wrong, but if I was a product lead at MCOC I would care... a lot.
The point is to use the Points towards future Offers.
If you're looking to use your points for the nebula bundle then there's a good chance that you could still do so since the points are going to be awarded before or on that day but if not then save them for a future reward.
Yes their reasoning is occasionally flawed but what do you expect from something that is free? Something that only requires you to claim your points and redeem your rewards.
It's something they don't have control over at all nor are they really affiliated with kabam it's just something that helps it each other out. It actually holds no value to them it's just a promotional tool for them and something that we use to get rewards.
You don't get Insider points for Master. Only Beginner, Normal and Heroic.