Why is Uncontested giving level 1 Health potions and level 1 ISO??
It's kinda insulting, why are they even there??
On Master Mode I was getting at least level 2 health potions..
On Master Mode I was getting at least level 2 health potions..
Dont expect lvl 4 pots to be handed out like candynor
Nothing but they should somewhat match....
I can say the 20% revives are fine as a rare drop... could be a little more common but wateva....
Beginner should be lvl 1 pots
Normal should be lvl 1 and rare lvl 2 pots
Heroic should be lvl 2 pots
Master should be half half lvl 2 and lvl 3 pots
Uncollected shoudl be lvl 3 pots
Iso should match a similar scale with t1, t2, t3, maybe add some t4....