Skipped to the end of this thread to comment this, i dont fully agree with it being evadable or blockable but, i would enjoy a little bit more interactive sp3 animation where you have to perform multiple actions to negate a certain amount of damage. If you have ever played God of War where you have to press buttons in succession in a boss fight to be able to beat it then you will know what i mean.
For example, when the sp3 is engaged by you or the AI, you have to swipe left, then right then double tap. If you get it right then you negate/increase 30 - 45% of the damage.
That is my thoughts, but as someone who has only played for 4 months might not have the realtive experience to comment.
You know this would also be given to the AI right?
You fight an evade happy spiderman or NC and you normally "unevadable"/ unavoidable sp3 is evaded.
The ai even does those dexterity evades without having the dexterity mastery so its not just gonna be the spidermen/Ncs that could dodge your sp3 but potentially all other champs.
Bad idea all round. next time bait or use power control
No it was a lose example just to make a point. Again... narrow thinking. Just go back to your thread and finish your arguments over there... I wont see any future posts of yours as I feel you are just a contrarian.
It was indeed a lose example. But if you feel that way, ignoring me is probably for the best, since your definition of contrarian appears to be "disagrees with you." I have a suspicion I'm going to be doing that more often than you're comfortable with. I have no problem with you not seeing those refutations.
Yes I am glad you told me that... I also am kept up at night imagining that 2nd graders would also disagree with me a lot too. I just cannot live with the idea that people with flawed logic will disagree with what I say... it's a real issue. Very uncomfortable.
Pro-tip: saying you're going to ignore a poster or cease participation in a discussion and then failing to follow through on that claim is generally seen as a sign of insecurity.
As this one has descended into you trying to jenga your way unsuccessfully into intellectual adequacy, its probably for the best that I set the proper example for you by giving your thoughts the level of seriousness they now deserve.
You replied literally within 3 minutes after I said it. I had not blocked you yet. Not to mention you posted in MY thread... so yeah even if you were block I would still probably check it as it was on my thread (though less so going forward). It is not insecurity that makes me curious about what sudo-intellectual garbage you will post next (though I, like you and every other human being, do have insecurities... this is just not one of them)... it is kind of entertaining actually (I have watched you do this for months now on this forum... it's just getting old for me, but I wish you luck going forward!).
Lolol. OP just needs to get good in baiting specials.
I am getting pretty good at it but I still get caught every so often (but always improving). My post was not about avoiding SP3s all together... it was more about SP3s not being cutscense and actually be somewhat interact-able. But yeah not reading the posts would leave you to believe i am just complaining and am not good at it. I get it
"give skilled players the chance to ...."
skilled player ? get hit by sp3 ?
Well again this wasn't what my thread was about (was not about being upset about getting hit by SP3s). That said I find it hard to believe you never do even if you are pro... even pros get hit by an SP3 every so often (but again this was not what my post was about).
Skipped to the end of this thread to comment this, i dont fully agree with it being evadable or blockable but, i would enjoy a little bit more interactive sp3 animation where you have to perform multiple actions to negate a certain amount of damage. If you have ever played God of War where you have to press buttons in succession in a boss fight to be able to beat it then you will know what i mean.
For example, when the sp3 is engaged by you or the AI, you have to swipe left, then right then double tap. If you get it right then you negate/increase 30 - 45% of the damage.
That is my thoughts, but as someone who has only played for 4 months might not have the realtive experience to comment.
This. This is what I was saying/suggesting more or less (though instead of more quick-time events I would rather it be smooth gameplay just like SP2s and Sp1s are but still with it being unblockable and unavoidable damage... but I know it might be feasible or may not even be good in practice).
Also yes you are probably right.... since I am only in Act 4 I probably do not know well enough to make a high level dev decision (but that is not what I was doing here). But that does not mean I cannot post about what I am thinking... it is a forum (that is what they are for). But I realize that THIS forum is just not the place for it. Its full of kids and sudo-intellectuals who talk as though they are educated but lack and real reason or logic (not talking about you of coarse) and instead of having a discussion they insult you or try and tell you why you are wrong about something that is clearly is not an expertise of any of us (where there is no real hard facts to be had). Sucks... but to be expected from a mobile game forum I suppose (actually now that I think of it I was crazy to expect more).
You know this would also be given to the AI right?
You fight an evade happy spiderman or NC and you normally "unevadable"/ unavoidable sp3 is evaded.
The ai even does those dexterity evades without having the dexterity mastery so its not just gonna be the spidermen/Ncs that could dodge your sp3 but potentially all other champs.
Bad idea all round. next time bait or use power control
Well my idea was for the player to still have it (kinda makes sense) but the AI's SP3 is more during combat rather then a cutscene. Still has unblockable and unavoidable damage but we can dexterity out of a small fraction (kind of like the quick-time event for 5*s but better... smoother and in the flow of the gameplay).
But yeah might still be a very bad idea even when you take the time to understand it... but clearly most on here did not want to read what I actually meant. I will just have to always be SUPER obvious in my posts in the future or just not post at all if I feel it could be misinterpreted even slightly (becasue that means it is assured to be misinterpreted).
So this is a little off-topic but, at the same time, a great place to ask this question. I've been playing for a few months now and am trying to learn how to bait out specials better than I currently do, does anyone know of the better or best tutorials and/or guides available to people, as well as the best way to practice it as well? I would like to start doing more difficult content, but until I get better at this particular skill I feel it would be a frustrating mess to do so. Thanks and good luck playing the game.
Dorky Diggy Dave has a video on it (there are MANY more bating tutorials on YouTube... just search "Contest of Champions Baiting"):
The only advice I could give is just practice in arena and duels. You will get better and better at it over time Best of luck!!
Thanks for the info on these two sources @chev327fox & @Kil63 exactly what I was looking for. This is exactly what I was looking for. Best of luck playing the game.
@chev327fox you're pretty much like my guide, you've helped me several times today. Greatly appreciate the help!
No problem at all my friend! I am here to help and discuss
Just be careful on this forum (or be ready I should say)... most tend to just put you down when you post things instead of offering help or civilized conversation. Just ignore those people and only engage with the people who are here to help and be decent people (its a mobile game so it attracts a lot of kids to this forum I think).
I agree with the sentiment that not letting them get their L3 in the first place is the skill factor here. L3 is the punishment you get for not managing power correctly. If you're looking for the quick time event mitigation, you have that in your 5 stars. Time it right and mitigate 20%. So... that's already there.
I agree with the sentiment that not letting them get their L3 in the first place is the skill factor here. L3 is the punishment you get for not managing power correctly. If you're looking for the quick time event mitigation, you have that in your 5 stars. Time it right and mitigate 20%. So... that's already there.
You didn't read the posts... but that is okay it is 3 pages now so I do not blame you. I was not advocating what you are saying
I agree with the sentiment that not letting them get their L3 in the first place is the skill factor here. L3 is the punishment you get for not managing power correctly. If you're looking for the quick time event mitigation, you have that in your 5 stars. Time it right and mitigate 20%. So... that's already there.
You didn't read the posts... but that is okay it is 3 pages now so I do not blame you. I was not advocating what you are saying
I did read it actually. With the amount of people you've had to say that to, I think the problem is that you did not convey what you thought you did rather than nobody reading it.
I did read it actually. With the amount of people you've had to say that to, I think the problem is that you did not convey what you thought you did rather than nobody reading it.
It's true I need to be sure to word my titles differently as most tend to reply directly to that without reading even the OP (also I know I am not good at conveying what i actually mean in words... but that does not mean people get to tell me what i meant ). I only want it to be within the gameplay instead of the quick-time like event. It should still be guaranteed damage and unblockable... but give us a chance to dodge a bit of it with skill and dexterity and have it be gameplay and not a quicktime movie is all Basically what we have for 5*s but for the whole game and implemented in a free flowing gameplay manner instead of a move.
But yeah I feel after this info above your reply does not make sense... but again it probably my poor ability to convey what I actually mean. Also do not worry... i will not flag you for us not agreeing
I didn't flag you. Dunno why that even matters. I'm have trouble visualizing what you're saying because unblockable/guaranteed damage seems to contradict with wanting it (or part of it) dodge/evade-able. Are you saying you want it basically like an L2 on an unblockable L2 node?
I didn't flag you. Dunno why that even matters. I'm have trouble visualizing what you're saying because unblockable/guaranteed damage seems to contradict with wanting it (or part of it) dodge/evade-able. Are you saying you want it basically like an L2 on an unblockable L2 node?
I was not saying you did (did not notice it until now actually)... I was just saying I am not that type is all.
Well it contradicts the title yes. I only added that to the title as an extra debate part of the topic... but people latched onto that in almost every first reply even though my OP says nothing about blockable (they yet they still claim to have read it... but maybe they did, who knows).
Yes have it be like that sort of... I mean there would be some slight differences (as like 80% would be unavoidable bu maybe the first or second phase there is a spot you can skill dex 2 times at the right time to mitigated some dmg... that way it is not just a cutscene... that is all man... that is all my suggestion for discussion was, as you can see it turned int something else entirely).
But again yes I am 100% sure I have issues putting what I am envisioning into words.
skilled player ? get hit by sp3 ?
For example, when the sp3 is engaged by you or the AI, you have to swipe left, then right then double tap. If you get it right then you negate/increase 30 - 45% of the damage.
That is my thoughts, but as someone who has only played for 4 months might not have the realtive experience to comment.
have u ever done LoL? u have ti literally bait for days
You fight an evade happy spiderman or NC and you normally "unevadable"/ unavoidable sp3 is evaded.
The ai even does those dexterity evades without having the dexterity mastery so its not just gonna be the spidermen/Ncs that could dodge your sp3 but potentially all other champs.
Bad idea all round. next time bait or use power control
You replied literally within 3 minutes after I said it. I had not blocked you yet. Not to mention you posted in MY thread... so yeah even if you were block I would still probably check it as it was on my thread (though less so going forward). It is not insecurity that makes me curious about what sudo-intellectual garbage you will post next (though I, like you and every other human being, do have insecurities... this is just not one of them)... it is kind of entertaining actually (I have watched you do this for months now on this forum... it's just getting old for me, but I wish you luck going forward!).
I am getting pretty good at it but I still get caught every so often (but always improving). My post was not about avoiding SP3s all together... it was more about SP3s not being cutscense and actually be somewhat interact-able. But yeah not reading the posts would leave you to believe i am just complaining and am not good at it. I get it
Well again this wasn't what my thread was about (was not about being upset about getting hit by SP3s). That said I find it hard to believe you never do even if you are pro... even pros get hit by an SP3 every so often (but again this was not what my post was about).
This. This is what I was saying/suggesting more or less (though instead of more quick-time events I would rather it be smooth gameplay just like SP2s and Sp1s are but still with it being unblockable and unavoidable damage... but I know it might be feasible or may not even be good in practice).
Also yes you are probably right.... since I am only in Act 4 I probably do not know well enough to make a high level dev decision (but that is not what I was doing here). But that does not mean I cannot post about what I am thinking... it is a forum (that is what they are for). But I realize that THIS forum is just not the place for it. Its full of kids and sudo-intellectuals who talk as though they are educated but lack and real reason or logic (not talking about you of coarse) and instead of having a discussion they insult you or try and tell you why you are wrong about something that is clearly is not an expertise of any of us (where there is no real hard facts to be had). Sucks... but to be expected from a mobile game forum I suppose (actually now that I think of it I was crazy to expect more).
Well my idea was for the player to still have it (kinda makes sense) but the AI's SP3 is more during combat rather then a cutscene. Still has unblockable and unavoidable damage but we can dexterity out of a small fraction (kind of like the quick-time event for 5*s but better... smoother and in the flow of the gameplay).
But yeah might still be a very bad idea even when you take the time to understand it... but clearly most on here did not want to read what I actually meant. I will just have to always be SUPER obvious in my posts in the future or just not post at all if I feel it could be misinterpreted even slightly (becasue that means it is assured to be misinterpreted).
Dorky Diggy Dave has a video on it (there are MANY more bating tutorials on YouTube... just search "Contest of Champions Baiting"):
The only advice I could give is just practice in arena and duels. You will get better and better at it over time
No problem at all my friend! I am here to help and discuss
Just be careful on this forum (or be ready I should say)... most tend to just put you down when you post things instead of offering help or civilized conversation. Just ignore those people and only engage with the people who are here to help and be decent people (its a mobile game so it attracts a lot of kids to this forum I think).
You didn't read the posts... but that is okay it is 3 pages now so I do not blame you. I was not advocating what you are saying
I did read it actually. With the amount of people you've had to say that to, I think the problem is that you did not convey what you thought you did rather than nobody reading it.
It's true I need to be sure to word my titles differently as most tend to reply directly to that without reading even the OP (also I know I am not good at conveying what i actually mean in words... but that does not mean people get to tell me what i meant
But yeah I feel after this info above your reply does not make sense... but again it probably my poor ability to convey what I actually mean. Also do not worry... i will not flag you for us not agreeing
I was not saying you did (did not notice it until now actually)... I was just saying I am not that type is all.
Well it contradicts the title yes. I only added that to the title as an extra debate part of the topic... but people latched onto that in almost every first reply even though my OP says nothing about blockable (they yet they still claim to have read it... but maybe they did, who knows).
Yes have it be like that sort of... I mean there would be some slight differences (as like 80% would be unavoidable bu maybe the first or second phase there is a spot you can skill dex 2 times at the right time to mitigated some dmg... that way it is not just a cutscene... that is all man... that is all my suggestion for discussion was, as you can see it turned int something else entirely).
But again yes I am 100% sure I have issues putting what I am envisioning into words.