Option to permanently turn off auto fight before fight starts

I’ve lost so many fights just because stupid auto fight starts without warning or notice. And it may be happening by accident but I never had this problem before just after update, bug maybe ?
Option to permanently turn off auto fight before fight starts 9 votes
Auto fight?
That’s the problem bro I keep it switched off but you can turn it on during fight so having a permenent switch to disable it would be really helpful.
For example, if you turned it on for the T1b daily proving grounds, it will stay on for that quest until you turn it off again even if you turned it off for the T4b proving grounds.
Dude! Are you reading properly ?? It can turn on again during fight which is annoying some times. So give us a switch to disable permanently like after that even if you tap on it during fight it won’t activate.
Would of voted to get rid of the button, but neither of the 2 available options applied to me.