Why Are Intercepts No Longer "Allowed" In Game?

I mean it's like every character in the game now has this hidden Unstoppable buff that they can just rush through any intercept at any point in the game. Doesn't matter if the timing is perfect. I mean is money that tight over there?
I think your timing might be offf..
If kabam start (removed by moderator) game mechanics eveywhere, soon there will be nobody left to play the game..
People are not fools and they know that
Been playing this game since the beginning broseph. Don't be handing out bad advice. You don't watch the screen, you watch your opponent.
With that said, timing isn't an issue either. Again, I've been playing this game since it came out. It's not that difficult to intercept. I'm not some kid complaining about their inability to parry. I'm noticing, along with ally mates, that the functionality of intercepting has been messed with to counter people's ability to run through content. I mean think about it. Look how they silently nerfed parry by making it "harder" by just altogether disabling half the parries that are activated. Blade's perfectly timed blocks prove that.
I have no problems, my friends, my alliance, youtubers, and the others in this thread have no problems. So instead of being condescending maybe upgrade your device or get good?
Condescending? You and that dude's comment are condescending if you were going by definition. Basically, calling me a liar AND handing out bad advice at the same. "Get good"? Kettle meet pot.
I apologize if my comment quoting your comment was condescending in any way. I didn't have any malicious intentions. I just don't like being called a liar.
All good bro. I'm just going to try and catch what I'm talking about video then post it.
Thanks my dude! I appreciate the help. If it was just localized to my device which is an iPhone 6+ then I would agree. I have ally mates who are running on the 8 and the 10 along with high end android devices and they're having the same problem.
It's not like this overreaching problem where all intercepts aren't working. It happens every so often where even if the timing is correct the opponent will seemingly push through like Rhino or Juggs. Like I said I'm just going to try and catch it on video and post it.
THANK YOU! That part about causing damage to the opponent but still not being allowed to intercept is exactly what I'm getting at. The number for damage will appear meaning the timing is right.
Some of the champs that I find tougher to incercept now are:
Moon Knight
I guess it’s not a terrible thing, because it makes me change my style. But there is a noticeable difference.
So now I just Parry and hope that he doesn’t get an unblockable.
Anyway, game is broken in so many ways that it’s almost impossible to count them all...
FYI, you can occasionally intercept Rhino. I do it by accident sometimes. His unstoppable rush mechanic doesn’t always work.
I know I have a lot to learn about the game, so I come to the forum to steal knowledge from better players. :-) so I’m happy to be taught. Thanks Bro!