This is riddiculous ... Just because he is better doing something than others doesn't mean he is overpower.
He has some things going for him. That doesn't make him a better attacker than blade, and both of them have their downsides.
Blade is worthless against bleed immune hero's but that is it and even though I have void and will r4 him once I have the t1 alphas blade DESTROYS him. Every champ has a downside and if you have skill and play enough you can figure it out. Enough with the nerf/OP talk please
Is this real, is this a fantasy
Caught in a NERF landslide
No escape to reality
Blade is never going to matter
Void is never going to matter
To me....
This is a NERF landslide and noone really appreciate how much more fun you can get if you actually stop seeing the negatives in these champions and start saying positive things about them
Blade is worthless against bleed immune hero's but that is it and even though I have void and will r4 him once I have the t1 alphas blade DESTROYS him. Every champ has a downside and if you have skill and play enough you can figure it out. Enough with the nerf/OP talk please
I respectfully disagree that blade is worthless against bleed immune. Agree with everything else you posted though.
Blade is worthless against bleed immune hero's but that is it and even though I have void and will r4 him once I have the t1 alphas blade DESTROYS him. Every champ has a downside and if you have skill and play enough you can figure it out. Enough with the nerf/OP talk please
I respectfully disagree that blade is worthless against bleed immune. Agree with everything else you posted though.
Blade is still decent against bleed immune villains or debuff immune villains but against heroes that can't be bled or debuffed blade is not good at all.
He has some things going for him. That doesn't make him a better attacker than blade, and both of them have their downsides.
If you are referencing the stream from yesterday, who carried void through lol to x23?
@will-o-wisp Blade has a downside? Please do tell!
That was an r455 Void.
Caught in a NERF landslide
No escape to reality
Blade is never going to matter
Void is never going to matter
To me....
This is a NERF landslide and noone really appreciate how much more fun you can get if you actually stop seeing the negatives in these champions and start saying positive things about them
lol. Definitly not the new blade. And people really need to stop with all the nerf talk.
I respectfully disagree that blade is worthless against bleed immune. Agree with everything else you posted though.
Blade is still decent against bleed immune villains or debuff immune villains but against heroes that can't be bled or debuffed blade is not good at all.
God tier AW mystic destroyer
Not Just Black lives, but he's half Vampire too- #UndeadLivesMatter! - Wait, What?