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I'm getting real sick of this game. I'm sick of getting cheated. I'm always spinning crystals and never get a 3 star hero let alone a 4 star and I been playing this game for 3years? I'm at level 43 and I should have way more higher star heroes than I do


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    bm3eppsbm3epps Posts: 1,153 ★★★
    edited January 2018
    Demonzfyre wrote: »
    Why did you put this under bugs? Its not a bug. If youve been playing for 3 years and only level 43, then you probably arent very active. You cant rely on only phc's to get champs. You need to finish quests or get into arenas. Grind and get shards for 4 and 5 star crystals. Stop crying about your luck and work a little bit harder. No one is going to sympathize with you.

    exactly..3 years and only level 43 speaks volumes..I been playing for about 2 years and at level 60..use those XP boosts that everyone gets on the regular to rank up faster and they had an arena (2/3*) not too long ago I believe that almost guaranteed you a 5* champ if you just played for the milestones
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    Lunchbox45Lunchbox45 Posts: 250 ★★
    Sounds like you are expecting more but not putting in the work. It doesnt work that way. This game is a grind, you gotta put in the work
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    chev327foxchev327fox Posts: 826 ★★
    edited January 2018
    I'm getting real sick of this game. I'm sick of getting cheated. I'm always spinning crystals and never get a 3 star hero let alone a 4 star and I been playing this game for 3years? I'm at level 43 and I should have way more higher star heroes than I do

    Tons of factors here you are not telling us. Are you in an alliance... is it active? How active are you? Do you know that Premium Hero Crystals only have a 1 in 100 chance or so to pull a 4* (so over a long period of time you should get about one 4* for every 100 you open... though sometimes you could go 300 with out one or in 100 you could get 3... but over time it evens out)?

    Hope this info helps. The only way to really get going in this game is to be part of an active alliance and be active yourself so you can earn 4* shards to get guaranteed 4*s. Also be sure to 100% most parts of each monthly event (do what you can do) and continue to grind through the story. If you only play a little bit off and on and are not in an active alliance (or none at all) this would very much make your account grow super slowly (its a game that requires tons of investment time to play... honestly it does require a bit too much investment if you want to really really grow your account and grow it fast... but the game is fun so most of us just grind it out).
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    DNA3000DNA3000 Posts: 18,996 Guardian
    I'm getting real sick of this game. I'm sick of getting cheated. I'm always spinning crystals and never get a 3 star hero let alone a 4 star and I been playing this game for 3years? I'm at level 43 and I should have way more higher star heroes than I do

    You should also have way more levels than you do. 43 levels in three years is like an hour or two of play a week or so. It seems unlikely to me you've spun very many PHCs at that pace. The 4* drop rate is in the neighborhood of one in a hundred to one in 120 or thereabouts. It is one out of eight or ten for the 3* champion.
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    BahamutBahamut Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    chev327fox wrote: »
    I'm getting real sick of this game. I'm sick of getting cheated. I'm always spinning crystals and never get a 3 star hero let alone a 4 star and I been playing this game for 3years? I'm at level 43 and I should have way more higher star heroes than I do

    Do you know that Premium Hero Crystals only have a 1 in 100 chance or so to pull a 4

    More like 1 in a million
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    420sam420sam Posts: 526 ★★★
    Bahamut wrote: »
    chev327fox wrote: »
    I'm getting real sick of this game. I'm sick of getting cheated. I'm always spinning crystals and never get a 3 star hero let alone a 4 star and I been playing this game for 3years? I'm at level 43 and I should have way more higher star heroes than I do

    Do you know that Premium Hero Crystals only have a 1 in 100 chance or so to pull a 4

    More like 1 in a million

    No, that is the odds of landing a midnight soiree with a hot model. It is about 1 in 100 believe it or not.
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    DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Posts: 21,451 ★★★★★
    PeterQuill wrote: »
    Geez, ive been playing 9 months and I am level 70, uncollected, have 11 five stars, and have 6 maxed out 4 stars,
    level 60 is max level you can get......?
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    chev327foxchev327fox Posts: 826 ★★
    He must mean energy count.
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    G0311G0311 Posts: 913 ★★★
    edited January 2018
    3 years and only level 43?!!! Ive been playing for 5 months and im at 58. Dude it seems you play real causal, but really by now you should know the ins and outs of what is a good crystal, value offers, and everything thay you should know in 3 years. Man i hope your like 15, cuz if your like 20 something then , i think you have bigger problems than not getting 4*s from a PHC
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    Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    edited January 2018
    I find it hard to believe that you've been playing that long and you don't have any Sounds like you're not really active, in a crappy alliance if all of what you said is true.

    My wifi only alt is level 43 in less than a year and has 65 3* 25 4* 3 5* and my main gets them pretty easily as well at a fast rate including 3&4 stars from phc on both accounts.

    Either play more, find a better alliance or join one or just quit.

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    BahamutBahamut Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    420sam wrote: »
    Bahamut wrote: »
    chev327fox wrote: »
    I'm getting real sick of this game. I'm sick of getting cheated. I'm always spinning crystals and never get a 3 star hero let alone a 4 star and I been playing this game for 3years? I'm at level 43 and I should have way more higher star heroes than I do

    Do you know that Premium Hero Crystals only have a 1 in 100 chance or so to pull a 4

    More like 1 in a million

    No, that is the odds of landing a midnight soiree with a hot model. It is about 1 in 100 believe it or not.

    2.5 years of playing = 5 4*s from PHC for me so I disagree with that
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    Keep playing
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    DNA3000DNA3000 Posts: 18,996 Guardian
    Bahamut wrote: »
    420sam wrote: »
    Bahamut wrote: »
    chev327fox wrote: »
    I'm getting real sick of this game. I'm sick of getting cheated. I'm always spinning crystals and never get a 3 star hero let alone a 4 star and I been playing this game for 3years? I'm at level 43 and I should have way more higher star heroes than I do

    Do you know that Premium Hero Crystals only have a 1 in 100 chance or so to pull a 4

    More like 1 in a million

    No, that is the odds of landing a midnight soiree with a hot model. It is about 1 in 100 believe it or not.

    2.5 years of playing = 5 4*s from PHC for me so I disagree with that

    Ether you are misremembering, you have astronomically bad luck, or just about everyone else has unbelievable luck. The approximate drop rate has been confirmed lots of times over, with people streaming large crystal openings. It is also consistent with the drop rate I've experienced, across literally thousands of PHC openings.
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    BahamutBahamut Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Bahamut wrote: »
    420sam wrote: »
    Bahamut wrote: »
    chev327fox wrote: »
    I'm getting real sick of this game. I'm sick of getting cheated. I'm always spinning crystals and never get a 3 star hero let alone a 4 star and I been playing this game for 3years? I'm at level 43 and I should have way more higher star heroes than I do

    Do you know that Premium Hero Crystals only have a 1 in 100 chance or so to pull a 4

    More like 1 in a million

    No, that is the odds of landing a midnight soiree with a hot model. It is about 1 in 100 believe it or not.

    2.5 years of playing = 5 4*s from PHC for me so I disagree with that

    Ether you are misremembering, you have astronomically bad luck, or just about everyone else has unbelievable luck. The approximate drop rate has been confirmed lots of times over, with people streaming large crystal openings. It is also consistent with the drop rate I've experienced, across literally thousands of PHC openings.

    I’m not misremembering (I have a ridiculously good memory) for bad luck... sorta switch’s around for me. For about a year, most of my 4*s were trash, with the occasional Good champ (Ultron, Storm and Abomination were some of those champs). Then the past half a year or so, I’ve gotten ridiculously lucky with 4*s (I’ve pulled Star Lord, Gwenpool, Archangel and Medusa in just the last 3 months). My 5* luck is ****, (Hawkeye, Civil Warrior, Venompool and Symbiote Spider-Man. The only good one I’ve gotten is God Cyclops) and the 4*s I’ve gotten from the PHC are SW, Fixit, WM, GG (from the Egomaniac crystal HQSean gave to everyone) and Beast (Dupe)
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    xoRIVALoxxoRIVALox Posts: 247
    Anyone who plays knows the odds suck for 4* premiums and good draws from 4* crystals

    As for "I was so close to this or that", enough already. We all know that's nothing more than a gamblers graphic. The very second you place the crystal in the middle the outcome is decided, it doesn't matter when you click the reel. Exact same principal as slot machines, VLTs, everything.

    As stated it's not a bug, this game isn't created for charity, it's "for profit"
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    Armaganon00Armaganon00 Posts: 741 ★★
    I'm getting real sick of this game. I'm sick of getting cheated. I'm always spinning crystals and never get a 3 star hero let alone a 4 star and I been playing this game for 3years? I'm at level 43 and I should have way more higher star heroes than I do

    Pop you crystal in groups of 5, and go to a 5x5 alliance... You will progress faster than you can handle.
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    Rogue42Rogue42 Posts: 1,006 ★★★
    Sympathy, you’ll find none of that here.
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