Member Posts: 14 ★
How do i go on. 5.2.4 i am stuck there for ever now. I doesn't help if the game is so difficult that it take months to go on. I spend enough now.
I actually found 5.2.4 harder than 5.2.5 and .6 back when I did it.
@o.p. don't give up, you have come this far, just practice more on WS ROL as 5.2.4 the fights are significantly longer because of the global node, and pretend the AI is stun immune because most of the time your parries will get eaten up by the global node and then heal up.
I found guillotine very helpful because she will put heal reversal on them, places debuffs (so they will trigger masochism and lose hp not gain), and if duped can heal up so is more sustainable.
GR is also good because of damnation however, I still think just high damage dealers + treating the opponents as stun immune worked best.
I still think to this day it is much harder than the bane chapters.
I think you are well equipped for this quest, I wish I had these champs when I was completing lol
Modok is able to reverse the healing during sp1 though. Not sure if maco will trigger. But ya, your roster is insane. If I was playing that roster I would bring GR (@5/50 will clear lanes like nothing), SL/sparky (whoever you feel more comfortable with, guilly (also help clear lanes), gwenpool(ability reduction where needed), and then whoever you want (maybe both SL and sparky).
Im afraid you might just need more practice my friend, the roster power is there. I was uncollected with 4/40s only. I recently did 5.3 and 5.4 initial completions and my 5/50 GR was mvp (for 5.4 took rage node lanes).
Goodluck just keep at it and dont give up! Also what I like to tell everyone: Remember a energy refill only costs 30 units, and a lvl2 revive 40 units. So do not be afraid to restart if you start off bad.
I think you should bring guilly, gr, sl, bw and quake (or hyperion).
As the other guys said, treat it like they are all stun immune champs and avoid the Magik and caltrops path for the first clear.
only gwenpool is unawakened 4*
i 100% agree he is a fantastic champ for the majority of the content, i personally love using him for everything, i dont see how people say hes only good for one quest.