Electro shock damage broken

Electro isn’t dealing shock damage .. of all the characters that should deal shock damage electro should be at the top of the list .. when storms lighting bolts got updated to includ a chance of shock damage it’s only logical that electro’s ability should have been updated as well. For example, imagine a character named knife ... or “Blade “ but he doesn’t bleed opponents .. so if you find the thought of Blade not bleeding opponents “shocking “ then Electo is flawed .. I.e broken until further notice . Please fix in next character update .
as @LegoCrafter517 said
seeing the clip again, it gave me an idea for a cool revamp for the Iron man we have now in the game.
-When receiving shock damage, The iron man suit absorbs it, granting him 100% power gain.
-This will also grant him a fury buff increasing his attack based on the amount of shock damage being dealt.
An additional buff for iron man I had would be something that was taken from Civil war, when Tony was fighting cap. During the fight, Friday, Tony's suit assistant, analyzed caps fighting style, which granted Iron-mans short victory in the match. So a cool new buff that could be added to iron man is an ability to read the opponent. sort of like this:
-Dashing back and holding for 5 seconds analyzes the opponents fighting style and abilities.
-This information grants Iron-man an additional X critical rating and X attack rating, and a 10% chance to auto block which can trigger parry.
- Additionally, after analyzing the opponent, they receive 25% ability accuracy reduction.
These buffs would bring ironman from the gutter to one of the most used champs in the game dont you think? Let me know what you think!