150 Units featured crystals

I haven't been lucky enough to pull a dupe for my Gwenpool, so I saved up 1500 units for her. Can anybody tell me when is her crystal coming up? Is there like a schedule to these or is it random or is it following arena? Thanks!
Aw man !!! Is it coming up again anytime soon? I really dont want Carnage...
I wanna give it try, can't grind arena really due to 8h work shifts so I gotta try this way.. Another month to go, sigh.
Still no luck. I got 35 lined up for this SA, maybe I see her. But I want that crystal and I dont mind the units, got them all through arena and arena crystals anyway.
Revives and potions are too expensive, I don't have an option to buy 5* shards with them, offers are ridiculous..what else to use it on?
Revives and potions would be a better investment than spending 1500 units on 2* champs.
I don't think they are as bad as you think, I pulled a Yondu last time on the 3rd try. Then again, could have been insane luck.
I've been playing this game since August 2015. I've never pulled a featured champ from a 4* or 5* crystal. I've pulled 4* champs from PHCs, but it's pretty rare. It's even more rare that you get a useful 4* champ, let alone the one you actually want.
Thats pure luck, I know 2 gentleman that spent 2 odins trying to pull Dormamu when his crystal was out, and they each only managed 1 4* and it was SpiderGwen and Wolverine. The odds are not worth it, to me. But hey to each their own. If you feel you got luck give it ago.