Saving for 5 Star Blade - Featured OR Basic

PureRage13PureRage13 Member Posts: 164
edited January 2018 in General Discussion

I've been playing MCOC for about 1 1/2 years. I'm fairly skilled and uncollected (245K hero rating). Just wanted to provide some skill background before I asked this question.

So, I've been saving for many months for a 5 star Blade. Currently, I have about 80K red shards saved and by February when Blade drops again I should have between 85K - 90K shards. My question is which crystal should I go for, the Blade featured crystal or the 5 star basic crystal. I currently have three 5 star champs and they are all meh to booty (SIM, Ronan and Falcon). I feel like I have a better shot at Blade if I get 5 of the featured crystals but if I don't get him (still likely) I've wasted 25K shards. On the other hand, I have almost no chance to pull him from a 5 star basic crystal, but I'll be able to add 3 or 4 more champs for the cost in shards.

What does the community think? I would really like some feedback.

Thank you everyone. :-)

Saving for 5 Star Blade - Featured OR Basic 53 votes

5 Star Featured Crystals (for Blade)
DroidDoesNonuRagamugginGunnerdanielmathSBundyBearNinjAlanLoPrestiSmokinSurferDeadbyrd9Fireballs5AxeCopFireMoneygrabHeroBoltsyNinjaWarrior99Winner12344321ApacheKestrelleBUZZdog3000Atomic_Wolfkhehmist 40 votes
5 Star Basic Crystal
Spity68Romario26Dexman1349Vision_41WebbdogSpiritOfVengeanceJaqen8Priyansh7CAPTMAVTheHoodedDormammuAtticus9090VerboucSlamfist 13 votes


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  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,438 Guardian
    Only you can really answer this question for yourself. You are comparing six shots at featured (90k) vs nine shots at basic. If you are primarily concerned about pulling Blade, then the odds of missing Blade with six featured shots is about 26%. You have a 74% chance to pull him at least once, and you could pull him more than once. But you have about a one in four chance of missing him altogether. Nine shots at basic would give you something on the order of about a 90% chance of missing him, or about a ten percent chance of getting him at least once.
  • PureRage13PureRage13 Member Posts: 164
    Follow up question:

    Is there a way to find out which other champs will be in the Blade 5 star featured crystal? So, if I don't get Blade what are my other options in the crystal?

    Thank you everyone.
  • DroidDoesDroidDoes Member Posts: 411 ★★
    5 Star Featured Crystals (for Blade)
    Featured for sure. Remember that his crystal won’t be back until the 22nd and assuming it’s the same as before, you’ll have a full 2 weeks before it disappears. So if you’re Uncollected, that’s another 10k shards from getting 100% on heroic + Master + Uncollected from the event quest, in addition to all the other usual stuff throughout the month. Lots of time to build that stack up!
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    5 Star Basic Crystal
    I'd be inclined to mix the approaches. I'd probably do one featured at a time up to 4, then throw the rest into the Basics. There is more to this game than Blade...
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,438 Guardian
    PureRage13 wrote: »
    Follow up question:

    Is there a way to find out which other champs will be in the Blade 5 star featured crystal? So, if I don't get Blade what are my other options in the crystal?

    Thank you everyone.

    Featured crystals contain approximately a 20% chance to pull the featured crystal. There is a tiny (maybe 5%) chance to pull a subfeatured champion - this is a champion that was the featured in the past but is not yet added to the basic crystal. And then if you pull neither of those you will get a basic champion.

    These odds are often misunderstood, so the best way to think of the featured crystal is that it contains one of three crystals. You have a 20% chance to drop the featured "crystal" which only contains the featured champion, so you automatically get that. You have about a 5% chance to drop the subfeatured "crystal" which, if you get that, then automatically rolls and drops one of those guys. And then you have about a 75% chance to drop a basic crystal, which then will auto roll and drop one of the 5* basic champions. These intermediate "crystals" are really drop tables that do their thing automatically on the server and you don't see it, but that's the best way to explain how they work.

    Sometimes people will ask what the chance of featured or basic is, if the number of champions change. The answer is: there's no difference. The number of different basic champions changes the odds of pulling any particular basic, but it doesn't change the odds of pulling a basic champion in the first place.

    Short answer is the featured 5* crystal could drop any 5* champion that has been previously released to date as a featured champion, but with different chances to occur depending on whether that champion is a basic or a subfeatured champion.
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    5 Star Basic Crystal
    With the featured crystal, you also have an increased chance at the "sub-featured" pool which consist of all the other recently added champs who aren't in the basic crystal yet (Hela, Thor, Sentry, Void, Modok, Taskmaster)
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