4 *Awkening gem and 40 signatures
I have star lord but i dont think i can reach a a 50 combos.maybe my max is around 20s. And i have as well a 40 signture shoulld i use them on same one i awaken. ( i already have awekened gamora antman deadpool grey)
4 *Awkening gem and 40 signatures 37 votes
Spiderman Stark and Voodoo would be the next.
Iceman is very good unduped. He negates evade, doesn’t bleed, can’t be poisoned, does damage over time, has ice armor.
You don't need to awaken Ice Man. You can get by with just landing an L1
You don't need to awaken Spiderman. His damage output is still insane
Hulk's awakening ability is not so great unless you have certain synergies.
The only two options you have here is voodoo and SL. I actually wish I would have voted for Voodoo here knowing that you have spiderman but that's fine. Voodoo just needs to be awakened, so no stones here for him. My thought process here was to apply those 40 sig stones, which you wouldn't want to use on voodoo, unless you're playing the prestige game.
Either way, you can't go wrong with either SL or Voodoo, but if you have Stark Spiderman already, then apply the awakening gem on voodoo, and save the sigstones for someone else.