Costs for redoing masteries

I know that free mastery week is coming up. I wanted to ask Kabam if there's been any consideration to making this a permanent thing? There are a lot of situations that can call for mastery rearranging, but I feel like charging 1-10 units for masteries we already have is just petty. Maybe if we could choose specific masteries to reset it would be so bad, but as it is we have to reset the whole category to change one or two masteries. If you don't like the idea of making mastery rearranging free, maybe you could consider that instead? I feel like there's a layer of strategy there that is being underutilized because of the silly costs. Maybe that's not a lot of units, but that's part of why it seems so petty. What's the point of that other than to make an unnecessary poke at our unit stash?
tldr; Kabam, could you consider making mastery rearrangement permanently free or allowing us to reset specific masteries?
tldr; Kabam, could you consider making mastery rearrangement permanently free or allowing us to reset specific masteries?