5 star cost reduction

Anyone know if the cost of 5 star crystals will be reduced with the introduction of 6 stars? I’m not holding my breath, but it seems kind of odd to me that they’ll remain 10,000 shards when that’s the same cost 6 stars will be.
Probably not, because they've been increasing the availability of 5* shards instead. Those are fundamentally the same thing.
Actually, on a relative basis 5* crystals cost about the same amount as 4* crystals in at least one sense. We get 55 4* shards when we dup a 4* champion. It thus takes 2000/55 ~= 36 dups to earn enough shards for one 4* crystal. We get 275 5* shards for duping a 4* champion. It thus takes 10000/275 ~=36 dups to earn enough shards for a 5* crystal.
The 5* crystal costs five times more shards, but we get five times more shards for duping a 4* than a 3*. We get more 3* champions than 4* champions of course, but that's no different than the situation where we get a lot more 2* champions than 3* champions. We normally consider the 2000 shard price for the 4* crystal to be comparable and equal on a relative basis to the 2000 shard price for the 3* crystal, so by that standard the 5* crystal should cost about five times as many shards to have the same relative price, compared to the amount of shards we get for duping a champion.
We get shards in other ways besides duping, and those ways don't have the same ratio as duping does. So it is more complicated than that. But if we are going to talk about the cost of 5* crystals compared to 4*, relative to the cost of 4* compared to 3*, we have to account for the fact that a major source of 5* shards is numerically larger for the same activity as 4* champions, in precisely the same ratio that 5* crystals take more shards than 4* crystals to buy.