Changes in AW.

MaksbrMaksbr Member Posts: 5
edited January 2018 in General Discussion
Hello, Kabam!
Why did the enemies in the alliance war become hidden again? Why do not you announce such changes and what inspired you to take such a step? You said that communication with the community is very important for you? In any case, can you clarify this to us?


  • DL864DL864 Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★
    Hahaha. Looks like aw back to the way it should be
  • kingsragekingsrage Member Posts: 7
    They did announce it while week ago
  • MagsMags Member Posts: 132
    Where? Please post a link to the thread. I haven't seen anything about it.
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,055 ★★★
    They were visible first war this week, haven't started our next attack, kind of a **** move to do it unannounced like that
  • MaksbrMaksbr Member Posts: 5
    kingsrage wrote: »
    They did announce it while week ago

    Can you give a link to this announcement please?
  • MagsMags Member Posts: 132
    No, he can't.. because it never existed or has been removed. I've searched the forums repeatedly and can only find threads where people are asking when it's going to happen.
  • CuteshelfCuteshelf Member Posts: 747 ★★★
    Mags wrote: »
    No, he can't.. because it never existed or has been removed. I've searched the forums repeatedly and can only find threads where people are asking when it's going to happen.

    I did see a post somewhere saying that hidden nodes were coming back. It was posted last week by mike I think.
    Not sure what thread.
  • JimmyJohnJonesJimmyJohnJones Member Posts: 81

    Pretty easy to find with a quick search for hidden defenders. Miike’s response on it is about 12 posts in. Was expecting it with version 17 at eom but guess it’s a little early.
  • MaksbrMaksbr Member Posts: 5

    Pretty easy to find with a quick search for hidden defenders. Miike’s response on it is about 12 posts in. Was expecting it with version 17 at eom but guess it’s a little early.

    Thank you.
  • SvainSvain Member Posts: 453 ★★
    Yeah, says next update. Guess Saint Nicholas came early
  • Gladiator09Gladiator09 Member Posts: 287 ★★
    Just went to aw and all defenders hidden ?!
    What else they don’t tell us ???
    Poor communication
  • GrimmbearGrimmbear Member Posts: 639 ★★★
    This is good for the game. Makes people have to adapt like they should
  • WebbdogWebbdog Member Posts: 117
    Well it really doesn't matter at tier one because everyone has blade. Especially annoying when you set defense. How can you nerf SW and DS but design blade. . Sounds like a money grab as he will be nerfed. He creates an imbalance, and requires very little skill
  • WebbdogWebbdog Member Posts: 117
    Duke wrote: »
    With the new champs that are coming out like Mephisto, Modok and Void aw is gonna b horrible with visible nodes. Now It will be ten times worse. Maybe they should scale back some of the nodes or drastically improve the rewards because it’s not worth locking up so many of your champs for something that’s not close to fun and for those rewards.

    Agreed duke. The rewards are absolutely deplorable!
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