Is the ”Strongest team” rating working as intended?

Hi guys, need some wisedom from the community. As far as I understand it, the calculations for “strongest team” ignores masteries and boosts but should count synergies and rank/level. You use your champs in a quest and Kabam notices, right?
Recently I got my second and third 5* at rank 4, 1 of them an unduped Hulk, and my rating went up to 30 072.
At this point he was only at rank 48.
A few days later he reached level 55, but despite days of questing with the top team my rating stayed the same.
Then I duped him; but no change.
Then I took him up to signature level 55, but the rating wasn’t affected.
Since then I have quested with a bunch of different synergy teams than the one that seems to give the highest rating, just in case, but my rating is still 30 072.
Am I missing something here?
If you upgrade one of those champs, you'll need to run through a story path again, that's why your rating didn't change when you upgraded your champ.
But I have noticed several times that synergies improve strongest team. Also your top 5 champions with PI. I'm sure its based on the PI of the top 5 champions. Not prestige or any other thing. Just PI!