Iceman 5% damage cap not working

I just saw this video
Check at 4:59, Iceman has ice armor on, but he still loses over 40% health from StarkSpidy's sp3. Can someone explain, how's this possible ?

Check at 4:59, Iceman has ice armor on, but he still loses over 40% health from StarkSpidy's sp3. Can someone explain, how's this possible ?
Special Attack 3:
"100% chance to Ensare the oppenent for 18 seconds. Ensnared Champions suffer 30% reduced Ability Accuracy and cannot trigger Passive Evade effects."
Ensnare is a time limited debuff and starts after the L3 ends. Iceman should still only take 5% if ice armor is still up and be ensnared after that.
Ensnares happens after sp3. If it is reducing the abilities before ensnaring then it is definitely a bug.
Yeah, that
I test it no problem here
In the past week it's only failed three times for me out of hundreds of fights, but I'm 100% sure the armor was active at the time it failed
Actions speak louder than words. Prove it. Make a video. TRhe more evidence you give kabam, the quicker they can fix it.
There is a problem with ice armor right now.
It's possible the he counterspelled your ice armor right before he activated his sp3. I've seen that happen a couple of times..