Looking for either merge or members

We merged with an alliance that had issues which forced us to head back to original home. We are looking for either a merge or members.
5x5 capable.
We're roughly sittiing on 16 members.
5x5 capable.
We're roughly sittiing on 16 members.
Same I.D
Add me up on line n we can chat?
I'm currently level 40. Rating is almost 44k(I know it's low but I'm working on it).
I'm looking to progress big time because I joined some random alliance that doesn't do anything.
Their own leader left the alliance
Currently I've got following top 5 champs:
P.S. None of them are duped.
4* Blade R3 & Level 30
4* Ultron R3 & Level 24
4* Ghost Rider R3 & Level 10
4* Hyperion R3 & Level 7
5* Hyperion R1 & Level 11
I don't plan on doing weird **** with my 5* Hyperion, too much to handle right now, but I'm working on others.
I would go maximum R4 on all of my 4* champions & that's for now.
I'm looking to do AW&AQ, and I'm not sure what map I can do with these.
I'm active in the game and willing to use LINE app.
I'm also looking for long-term alliance, which means I don't hop from one to another, no point in that.
If you want someone like this, let me know here or add me on LINE app.
Username: iCyanideKillPill. IG is the same but without one L, couldn't fit that one L lol.
Line = zMaoriiboii
I am not able to search you in line. Can you message me in Line my id is javedahmed56. I have sent you an alliance invitation. Alliance name is Basements and tag is [Base2]. You can check our alliance. We do map 4 and map 5. We have also done map 5x5 many a times.
But we would like you to merge with us.
Our alliance rating is 3,318,458 with 23 members. War Rating 1,198, Average Member Rating 144,280.
Thanks for the offer bud but we've left our alliance once before and it didn't work out. Hoping this time round the merge can be with us. I wish you luck on your search though 😊