Yellowjacket, sym spider, doc ock

Ok I have been letting a ton of iso expire and I need to use some of my stash. Any of these 3 would primarily be used for AW defense. I am in pretty good shape on tier 4 cats so that isn’t a huge issue either.
I just want to upgrade someone who will get me some kills in AW
I just want to upgrade someone who will get me some kills in AW
Yellowjacket, sym spider, doc ock 8 votes
You were a big help with my last question.
Ranking up YJ is not a bad choice because he is also a decent attacker when you aren't using him on defense. On a scale of one to five, where the god tier champs are at 5, I would put YJ at a 4. Duped is better, because you can't just wait out the sting. But in some tiers even unduped YJ can give some players some problems.