How to use Doctor Octopus
I have an unawakened 5* Doc Oc who I think is a lot of fun to play with, but I have no idea how to use him. I’m pretty strategic with all my champs, but he confuses me. It’s incredibly hard for me to keep track of his categories during a fight. Looking for tips from pros: what do you guys do with him?
1. Start the bout with either a parry or dash back. A parry will lodge 40 in his Chemistry category, which leads to a heal block.
2. Attack with a full combo - as you attack, your opponent gains power, which fills his Physics category. BUT, for most opponents, the Biology category fills faster (it fills when you're struck or when you hit an opponent). SO...
3. Attack the opponent's block next - they gain power when blocking, so 4 hits on their block brings your physics research ABOVE the biology research.
4. Parry or intercept and full combo - should lead to your first power lock.
Now you have to make a decision. You can extend the power lock before it expires with an sp 1, which I often do on shorter fights where I won't get to an sp 3. If it's a long fight, I'll repeat this cycle right before getting to sp3...because the sp 3 resets the power lock for 15 seconds. THEN, you can refresh it for 15 seconds every time you use an sp 1, essentially locking the opponent's power for the remainder of the fight if you play well.
You can use this same pattern with heal block, but you'll need to parry a couple of times and block 2 attacks (or parry 3 times) before you reach 100 in either of the other categories (so don't attack - just focus on blocking and parrying until heal block takes effect).
He gets the new ones as a replacement.
Some will say he's better unduped but for 98% of things he's much better duped. He does gain new breakthroughs but they are along the same lines. Heal block becomes health steal and a reverse heal. Duped Cable and Magik can be problematic but honestly it's not a big deal. He's an awesome champ.