Cap WW2

Please Kabam we need Cap WW2 to be nerf. He's too powerful, it's not fair people can play poorly, and win because of Cap WW2 in their roster. The damage you can block is broken.
My suggestion is to ruin him completely. Also, lower his prestige so it's the lowest in the game just like you did with wolverine.
Make MCOC a leveled playing field for everyone in game.
My suggestion is to ruin him completely. Also, lower his prestige so it's the lowest in the game just like you did with wolverine.
Make MCOC a leveled playing field for everyone in game.
Yeah buddy SL working as intended too. Sorry.
No! He is too OP! To be able to need no skill to beat end game content is not ok! I'm sure Kabam will notice this and do the right thing.
No champ should have that easy of a play style and be so successful in all facets of the game. He is obviously not working the way Kabam wants him to that is obvious.
He should take even more damage or Cap the damage he can block. It's too strong. Players with the worst skills in the game use Cap WW2 and play like players who are somewhat decent at the game. It's not fair to us top tier players who have amazing skills that there be a champ who allows people who don't know how to play to clear content.
He is weak as it is.
Still too strong, must nerf. Kabam, I trust you.
I was going to say don't give him any ideas, but there he goes. lol.
I think this is a parody thread based on the one by CapWW2.
Also can we get rid of poison and bleed immmune champs? This is unfair to those who don't have them. Why can my ally buddy walk through poison and bleed paths and I can't just cause I don't have one? They need to be nerfed, please do the right thing.
...the fact he took the bait is icing