Unlucky or always kabammed ?

This is worst 5*s. Don't know I'm unlucky and kabam wants to keep me down.
Just got venompol and this is discouraging me really. I hate kabam

Just got venompol and this is discouraging me really. I hate kabam

Several People in my alliance dont have any champs worth r3 or r4. You have at least 5 champs worth r3 or higher
You have good champs. You may not have the ones that you would prefer but you do have good champs.
Uhh...Civil Warrior? Learn him. Love him. Crush your enemies and see them driven before you. Hear the lamentation of their women.
*Thinks his 5* roster is the worst
Several of those champs are great: ICEMAN, Mordo, Ultron, are all solid and non of them HAVE to be duped to be good. And Venom Pool isn't that bad. And as others have said LC and Rulk both got buffs that made them much better. Even the duped IF isn't too bad.
Nice Conan quote and I agree, Civil Warrior = Heal Block and Power Control Sp2. That is worth something. He's underrated.
None of my 7 are worth doing much with at all except the early stages of T4B arena.