Question about rulk before and after update

I only first got him as a 4 star in december so I never really had an opportunity to use him other than 3 star arenas. Pulled him recently as a 5 star, took him to r3 and have been messing around with him in various fights to see what he can do. I realized in fighting Mephisto his scorch damage applies, cool, as I wasn't clear if it would, then I thought what about Iceman? Sure enough, he takes the extra damage too. Since his ability description simply says an extra burst of physical damage I realized this is most likely as intended. My question is then, was he always capable of this or is this a result of the update?
Not map 4 or 6 though?
Before update, he did +11% energy dmg per stack, but only up to 6 stacks, for +66%, because at 7 stacks, he overheated and lost all of them.
Now, it's +18% physical dmg per stack, stacks up to 10, and no more overheat. So up to +180%, or almost 3 times, as much as before the buff.