Marvel insider question

ok i claimed rewards before i changed my name a month ago...this month i changed my name and im worried i wont get the rewards...does changing name mess up marvel insider rewards when its being sent
what does phone number have to do with anything what are you saying
I just got my Insider rewards.
listen to my question read it if you have to ...does that mean you changed your name and still got em
I did not change my name. I did read your original post but I think the advice you got there was sufficient.
My point was merely that Marvel Insider rewards are out and if you do not have then then maybe you have an issue since your name was updated.
i doubt a phone number solves anything but ok...i dont think im getting them the name change messed it up ....wish kabam could not let this happen but hey no hope at all not doing marvel insider anymore so it doesnt matter...the fact that this a problem is troubling ...and oh you mean support..well ok i doubt that will even work..the support here is pretty bad and it never feels like they actually care lol
How is it Kabam's fault? You realize that Marvel Insider asked you to put in the account name you wanted the rewards sent to? Kabam merely fulfills it based off of what Marvel sends them.
I do not buy the phone number thing working. I agree with you completely though that the Insider rules are very specific to it needing to be filled out exactly to get the rewards.
LISTEN ...i had same name when i typed it in to the thing and then this month i changed name ...and the rewards arent coming now .....i speak english can you understand it ....I CHANGED NAME CAUSE OF ISSUES ......but this is after i put my name in the insider thing you see what i mean I ASKED IF CHANGING NAME effects that that clear enough
I changed my name a week or 2 ago also. I filed for rewards on insider before that.
If rewards from insider did in fact drop today, I will try to report back if I did or did not receive them.
no im just annoyed lol
Ur screwed
You could try contacting thier support but they'll likely say the same things.
Either email them or find the right section for it.
basically lol
damn it i forgot about that lol thanks man
I contacted them for other claim problems, and they resolved it to my satisfaction (although took them 2 weeks), I think they handled things x2000 times better than Kabam. Ok, I'm exaggerating, they are merely x1999 times better than Kabam. Just kidding.
Please reread your initial post. It clearly says you claimed your rewards and then changed your name. It doesn’t mention putting in your old name for rewards you haven’t gotten yet. There was no reason to yell at any of us, which is what you did by using caps.
I looked all over insiders site and can't find a support link anywhere.
I will keep looking. This was the void/sentry rewards, yes?
i couldnt find the support the screen keeps going black but yes for the void and sentry rewards