
I’m currently prepping for my Uncollected push. My current 5/50 champs are Starlord, Voodoo, and Gwenpool, all Duped. I was wondering if I should take my unduped Hyperion up to 5/50 next. Also, do you think I’m ready for an Uncollected push with the champs I have? Thanks!
Hyperion 89 votes
Definitely take that hype to 5/50 .. will help you big time
Ok thanks, I really appreciate the advice. How many units do you think would be sufficient for a decent player to beat the Collector?
I did it with all 5/50 champs. Hulk, Magik, AA, SL, Drax
I just had big enough stash of revives and health potions and hourly crystals (I had 200+ saved). Make sure you have plenty of revives left for collector.
Also use boosts, it will help you in big ways.
I have a 5* Unduped Hulk sitting at 2/35. Would he be worthwhile taking up as well?
I’d go for 300 to 800 Units depending on your skill
Oh, it’s this guy again
I think you’ll quickly find that your team even as it stands right now is more than sufficient for Uncollected, but you never know until you try!
Took me ~30 individual revives (I had ~25 before starting) to clear 5.1 and 5.2 using a team of all 4/40 and 2/35, most of which were used on the Collector.
Personally, I’m keeping my champs at 4/40 and saving my class catalysts for my 5* roster, since I’m in no rush now that I made Uncollected and can do a relatively easy initial clear of the monthly quest.
I’m currently at Lines in the Sand (5.2.4). So far I have managed to do the majority of it reviveless. I’ve only had to use a Team Revive on 5.1.6 and 5.2.2.
Iceman (duped)
Ultron AoU
I'm sure you can handle it with your 5/50s. Use boosts if the going gets tough.